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Nelsen got the backslapping treatment. Charlie sighed, rubbed his head, then grinned with immense relief. "That's a load off," he said. "Glad to have somebody else fix it. Congrats, Frank. I wonder if Otto has got any champagne to go with the hotdogs...?" Otto had a bottle enough for a taste, all around. Eileen kissed Frank impulsively. "You ought to get real smart," she said.

"We've overrun and taken possession of your shop almost your store, too. You've waived any profit, whenever we've bought anything. That's enough favors." "My dough, my pleasure... Let's each get one of Reynolds' beers and hotdogs, if any are left..." Later, when all the others had gone, except Gimp Hines, they uncovered the Archer, which everyone else had tried. Paul got into it, first.

Thus, I was born deficient. And my childhood and adolescent nutrition was poor too: soda crackers, pasteurized processed artificial cheese, evaporated milk from cans, hotdogs and canned beans, hotdogs and cabbage. It wasn't until I was pregnant with my first baby that I started to straighten up my diet.

David Lester's mother, of course, seeming younger than the Bunch remembered her. Make-up brought back some of her good-looks. She was more Spartan than they had thought, too. "I have made up a basket of sandwiches for you and your comrades, Lester," she said. Otto Kramer was out with free hotdogs, beer and Pepsi, his face sad.

"No wellconducted establishment, Mr Weener, is without chutney, curry or worcestershire." The insularity of the English is incredible. I have not tasted cocacola, hotdogs, or had a bottle of ketchup for more than a year, but I don't complain. The Grass is in the Schelde estuary, almost within sight of the English coast. I got nothing written on my history today.

How did he work it? Or was she the one that was right?... Paul Hendricks had leaned his elbows on the workbench, too. "Sure nothing Frank," he said, and his watery eyes were bland. The old codger understood. Neither of them said anything for a minute, while the rest of the Bunch, except Eileen who was still typing, guzzled Pepsi and beer, and wolfed hotdogs.