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What was she here about?" Peregrine asked of his mother. "I would rather not tell you, Perry," said his mother, kissing him; and then there were no more words spoken on the subject. Mrs. Furnival as she made her journey back to London began to dislike Martha Biggs more and more, and most unjustly attributed to that lady in her thoughts the folly of this journey to Hamworth.

Lucius, when he received this letter, was living with his mother in lodgings near Finsbury Circus, and the letter had been redirected from Hamworth to a post-office in that neighbourhood. It was his intention to take his mother with him to a small town on one of the rivers that feed the Rhine, and there remain hidden till he could find some means by which he might earn his bread.

Dockwrath, though he only remained one day in Hamworth before he went to London, took care that the curiosity of his neighbours should be sufficiently excited. Mr. Dockwrath felt some little trepidation at the heart as he walked into the office of Messrs. Round and Crook in Bedford Row. Messrs.

While he was thus employed the post came. The bulk of his letters as a matter of course went to his chambers; but there were those among his correspondents who wrote to him at Harley Street. To-day he received three or four letters, but our concern will be with one only. This one bore the Hamworth post-mark, and he opened it the first, knowing that it came from Lady Mason. It was as follows:

He was a slow man, whose life had offered him but little excitement; and the little which came to him was husbanded well and made to go a long way. He thought about this journey for nearly a month before he took it, often going to his sister and discussing it with her, and once or twice seeing the great Moulder himself. At last he fixed a day and did go down to Hamworth.

Orme and Lady Mason again found themselves in the Hamworth carriage. They had sat in court from ten in the morning till past seven, with a short interval of a few minutes in the middle of the day, and were weary to the very soul when they left it. Lucius again led out his mother, and as he did so he expressed to her in strong language his approval of Mr. Furnival's speech.

He was lord of the manor of Hamworth, and possessed seignorial rights, or rather the skeleton and remembrance of such rights with reference to a very large district of country; but his actual property that from which he still received the substantial benefits of ownership was not so large as those of some of his neighbours.

Orme had any doubt. That they were assured of her innocence was the conviction of all Hamworth and its neighbourhood. "He never goes back from his word, you know," Mrs. Orme had said; and then she kissed Lady Mason, and went her way.

"But I am not ." So far she got, and then she stopped herself. "We have all liked you very much. I'm sure I have for one; and I'll go in for you, heart and soul, in this shameful law business. When Lucius asked me, I didn't think anything of going to that scoundrel in Hamworth; and all along I've been delighted that Sir Peregrine took it up. By heavens!

"Yes, sir," said Crabwitz. "You have never chanced to hear of an attorney named Dockwrath, I suppose?" "What! in London, Mr. Furnival?" "No; I fancy he has no place of business in town. He lives I know at Hamworth." "It's he you mean, sir, that is meddling in this affair of Lady Mason's." "What! you have heard of that; have you?" "Oh! yes, sir.