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Moreover, she had an inward conviction that in reality he recollected the incident in Grellingham Place as clearly as she did herself, although he refused to admit it. She relapsed into an uncomfortable silence, and presently the attendant from the restaurant car came along the corridor and looked in to ask if they were going to have dinner on the train. Both nodded an affirmative.

"Twice? . . . Then then it was you in Grellingham Place that day?" "Yes," he acknowledged simply. Diana bent her head to hide the small, secret smile that carved her lips. At last, after a pause "But why why do you not want to know me?" she asked wonderingly. "Not want to?" he muttered below his breath. "God in heaven! Not want to!" His hand moved restlessly.

On Thursday we will bee-gin." The door closed on the maestro's benevolently smiling face, and on that other the dark, satirical face of Olga Lermontof and Diana found herself once again breasting the March wind as it came roystering up through Grellingham Place. "Look sharp, miss, jump in! Luggage in the rear van."

It was in Grellingham Place, and all my songs blew away up the street, and I'm positive M.E. was the man who rescued them for me." "Rescuing seems to be his hobby," commented the Rector dryly. "Did you remind him that you had met before?" "Yes, and he wouldn't recollect it." "Wouldn't?" "No, wouldn't.

For a moment an amused smile hovered about her lips; then the recollection of her business in Grellingham Place came back to her with a suddenly sobering effect and she hastened on her way up the street, pausing at last at No. 57. She mounted the steps reluctantly, and with a nervous, spasmodic intake of the breath pressed the bell-button.

"At any rate, it has the advantage of being only quarter of an hour's walk from Grellingham Place. I've just come from there." And with that she relapsed into silence. Although Olga Lermontof had frequently accompanied Diana during her lessons with Baroni, the acquaintance between the two had made but small progress.

The March wind swirled boisterously down Grellingham Place, catching up particles of grit and scraps of paper on his way and making them a torment to the passers-by, just as though the latter were not already amply occupied in trying to keep their hats on their heads.