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These feldsparites sometimes form mountain masses almost without any admixture of other minerals; but at other times they include augite, which passes into hypersthene. They are often granitoid in structure. One of the varieties is the same as the apolescent labradorite rock of Labrador.

A long stretch of wooden sidewalks with here and there a leprous breaking out of granitoid; a succession of dwellings, each in its yard of bluegrass, maple trees, and whitewashed palings, with several residences fine enough to excite wonder for modest cottages set the architectural pace in the village; a stretch of open country beyond the corporate limits, with a footbridge to span the deep ravine and then, at last, a sudden glow in the darkness not caused by the moon, with a circle of stamping and neighing horses encompassing the glow.

For Uncle Tom on a summer's day to hire a surrey at Braintree's Livery Stable and drive thither was like to what shall that bliss be compared in these days when we go to Europe with indifference? And now Lindell Road the Via Claudia of long, ago had become Lindell Boulevard, with granitoid sidewalks.

In a similar manner the volcanic eruptions of the Haute Loire and Ardèche, lying to the eastward, and separated from those of the Cantal by the granitoid ridge of the Montagnes de Margeride, belong to two successive periods referable very closely to those of the Mont Dore and the Puy de Dôme groups.

It's a terrible pretty place when it's fixed up." "Dreadfully run down," said Mrs. Sequin to herself, making a sweeping survey of the premises, "all this front lawn ought to be terraced and have granitoid walks and formal approaches. The house could be made quite imposing."

It is possible for a man to behave himself all the days of his life without developing the spiritual sense. I do not say that such people have not got souls, but if they get to Heaven at all it will be in the form of granitoid nuts, and the angels will have to crack them with a Thor hammer before they can find the thing that they kept for a soul.

For Uncle Tom on a summer's day to hire a surrey at Braintree's Livery Stable and drive thither was like to what shall that bliss be compared in these days when we go to Europe with indifference? And now Lindell Road the Via Claudia of long, ago had become Lindell Boulevard, with granitoid sidewalks.

For Uncle Tom on a summer's day to hire a surrey at Braintree's Livery Stable and drive thither was like to what shall that bliss be compared in these days when we go to Europe with indifference? And now Lindell Road the Via Claudia of long, ago had become Lindell Boulevard, with granitoid sidewalks.

On the North Side had been erected a number of elegant mansions along what is now known as the North Shore Drive. The present lake wall of stone and granitoid was not then in place, but the road had been well laid out, the intermediate spaces of lawn were lovely to look upon, and the houses were thoroughly new and imposing.

Shadows from the tender young leaves decorated the whiteness of the smooth village road in dainty tracery, and splashed the ribbons of rain-drenched granitoid walks with warm shadow-spray. Fran, eager for the first morning's view of her new home, stared at the half-dozen cottages across the street, standing back in picket- fenced yards with screens of trees before their window-eyes.