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There have been instances among the older writers in which a pea has remained in the nose for such a length of time as to present evidences of sprouting. The Ephemerides renders an instance of this kind, and Breschet cites the history of a young boy, who, in 1718, introduced a pea into his nostril; in three days it had swollen to such an extent as to fill the whole passage.

I volunteered to test this question by looking at the ephemerides of all the small planets in the neighborhood of Mars. A very little searching disproved the possibility of the object belonging to this class. One such object was in the neighborhood, but its motion was incompatible with the measures.

Instances of black menstruation are to be found, described in full, in the Ephemerides, by Paullini and by Schurig, and in some of the later works; it is possible that an excess of iron, administered for some menstrual disorder, may cause such an alteration in the color of the menstrual fluid.

Have you calculated the course of futurity? have you consulted your ephemerides, your almochoden, your almuten? 'No, truly, Counsellor, replied Mannering, 'you are the only Ptolemy I intend to resort to upon the present occasion. A second Prospero, I have broken my staff and drowned my book far beyond plummet depth. But I have great news notwithstanding.

In the "Musee de l'ecole dentaire de Paris" there are several milk-teeth, both of the superior and inferior maxilla, which are fused together. Bloch cites a case in which there were two rows of teeth in the superior maxilla. Hellwig has observed three rows of teeth, and the Ephemerides contain an account of a similar anomaly. Extraoral Dentition.

The deformity was especially transmitted in the female line. Instances of supernumerary thumbs are cited by Panaroli, Ephemerides, Munconys, as well as in numerous journals since. This anomaly is not confined to man alone; apes, dogs, and other lower animals possess it. Bucephalus, the celebrated horse of Alexander, and the horse of Caesar were said to have been cloven-hoofed.

It is well known that eunuchs often lose a great part of their beards, and after removal of the ovaries women are seen to develop an extra quantity of hair. Gerberon tells of an infant with a beard, and Paullini and the Ephemerides mention similar instances. Bearded women are not at all infrequent. Hippocrates mentions a female who grew a beard shortly after menstruation had ceased.

The Ephemerides contains the account of a dissection in which the stomach was found wanting, and also speaks of two instances of duplex stomach. Bartholinus, Heister, Hufeland, Morgagni, Riolan, and Sandifort cite examples of duplex stomach. Bonet speaks of a case of vomiting which was caused by a double stomach. Struthers reports two cases in which there were two cavities to the stomach.

Ephemerides contains an account of a young man who became nervous and had the sense of suffocation when he heard the noise made by sweeping. Zimmerman speaks of a young girl who had convulsions when she heard the rustling of oiled silk. Boyle, the father of chemistry, could not conquer an aversion he had to the sound of water running through pipes.

Among the older writers speaking of death following the bite of an enraged man, are van Meek'ren, Wolff, Zacutus Lusitanus, and Glandorp. The Ephemerides contains an account of hydrophobia caused by a human bite. Jones reports a case of syphilitic inoculation from a human bite on the hand.