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The older records contain instances of continued infantile priapism caused by the constant irritation of ascarides and also records of prolonged priapism associated with intense agony and spasmodic cramps. Zacutus Lusitanus speaks of a Viceroy of India who had a long attack of stubborn priapism without any voluptuous feeling.

Gastaher speaks of a horn from the left temple; Zacutus Lusitanus saw a horn from the heel; Wroe, one of considerable length from the scapula; Cosnard, one from the bregma; the Ephemerides, from the foot; Borellus, from the face and foot, and Ash, horns all over the body.

Zacutus Lusitanus says that he once found a mass of flesh in place of the liver. Lieutaud is quoted as describing a postmortem examination of an adult who had died of hydropsy, in whom the liver and spleen were entirely missing. The portal vein discharged immediately into the vena cava; this case is probably unique, as no authentic parallel could be found.

Duplication of the heart, notwithstanding the number of cases reported, has been admitted with the greatest reserve by Geoffroy-Saint-Hilaire and by a number of authors. Among the celebrated anatomists who describe duplex heart are Littre, Meckel, Collomb, Panum, Behr, Paullini, Rhodins, Winslow, and Zacutus Lusitanus.

Zacutus Lusitanus relates the history of a case of uterine occlusion, with the flow from the lips of the cervix. There is mentioned an instance of menstruation from the labia. The occurrence of menstruation after removal of the uterus or ovaries is frequently reported.

Rhodius speaks of the sweat being sweet after eating honey; the Ephemerides and Paullini also mention it. Chromidrosis, or colored sweat, is an interesting anomaly exemplified in numerous reports. Black sweat has been mentioned by Bartholinus, who remarked that the secretion resembled ink; in other cases Galeazzi and Zacutus Lusitanus said the perspiration resembled sooty water.

Pechlin offers an example from the foot; Boerhaave from the skin of the hand; Ephemerides from the knee; Albertus from the foot; Zacutus Lusitanus from the left thumb; Bartholinus a curious instance from the hand; and the Ephemerides another during pregnancy from the ankle. Post speaks of a very peculiar case of edema of the arm alternating with the menstrual discharge.

Among the older writers speaking of death following the bite of an enraged man, are van Meek'ren, Wolff, Zacutus Lusitanus, and Glandorp. The Ephemerides contains an account of hydrophobia caused by a human bite. Jones reports a case of syphilitic inoculation from a human bite on the hand.

The Ephemerides, Zacutus Lusitanus, Pare, Swinger, Riverius, and Senac are among the authorities who mention this circumstance. The deception was possibly due to the presence of loose and shaggy membrane attached to the endocardial lining of the heart, or in some cases to echinococci or trichine. A strange case of foreign body in the heart was reported some time since in England.

A seventh case was that of a New York farmer who, while hoeing, was bitten on the foot by a spider. Notwithstanding medical treatment, principally bleeding, the man soon expired. Desbrest mentions the sting of a bee above the eyebrow followed by death. Zacutus saw a bee-sting which was followed by gangrene. Delaistre mentions death from a hornet-sting in the palate.