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Her wise soul knew that the Emptiness must come first the awful world-old Emptiness which for an endless-seeming time nothing can fill And all smug preachers of the claims of life and duty must be chary of approaching those who stand desolate gazing into it. "I could only remember," the broken heart-wringing voice went on.

Some sardonic Texan, anonymous in the defeated forces, had first chanted those words to the swinging march of his western command "The Yellow Rose of Texas" and they had been passed from company to company, squad to squad, by men who had always been a little distrustful of Hood, men who had looked back to the leadership of General Johnston as a good time when they actually seemed to be getting somewhere with this endless-seeming war.

He was surprised to find the streets full of peddlers, weary-looking little men trundling along behind small slow-moving self-powered monocars full of vegetables and other produce. Every few moments one would stop and hawk his wares. As Alan started hesitantly up the endless-seeming street, one of the venders stopped virtually in front of him and looked at him imploringly.

When he told of the deep endless-seeming forests, and of the herdsmen and shepherds who played on their pipes and made songs about high deeds and bravery, they grinned with pleasure without knowing they were grinning.

Nay, he included the very preface, and was lured on and coaxed on and enticed by his father to recite the appendices, which shot up one after the other on the devotional horizon like the endless-seeming terraces of a deceptive ascent; just another little bit, and now that little bit, and just that last bit, and one more very last little bit.

That no man could tell them; so they came home to their lodging at length in the dark night, there to wait through endless-seeming hours for morning. On the Sunday they had chosen for their wedding-day Mazurier brought word of Victor to Jacqueline, was really a messenger, as he announced himself, when she opened for him the door of her room in the fourth story of the great lodging-house.