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Updated: August 19, 2024

"Well, Massa Nadgel, you does look like it, but I'm sorry I ain't a doctor. P'r'aps de purfesser would help you better nor " "You misunderstand me. Can you keep a secret, Moses?" "I kin try if if he's not too diffikilt to keep." "Well, then; listen." The negro opened his eyes and his mouth as if these were the chief orifices for the entrance of sound, and advanced an ear.

"It's only a fit, Sir Richard," I said. I always call the perlice Sir Richard. It pleases them to think I'm the victim of a deloosion; and they always treat me perlitely. This one did, certainly, for he let us go. We saw no more of the Trans-Mejim. It's diffikilt, of course, to say how long these noosances will be allowed to prowl round.

"You seem to be very particl'r and diffikilt to satisfy," continued Mrs. Morris; "but, if yeou don't believe it, jest come and see for you'sef." She led the way to the bureau, opened the drawer, and, raising a plaid cotton handkerchief, displayed the contraband letters by the score.

"But dere's a chorus," said Moses, looking round doubtfully. "What o' that? We'll do our best with it if it ain't too difficult." "Oh, it's not diffikilt, but if de lazy fellers among you sings de chorus dey'll be singin' lies, an' I don't 'zackly like to help men to tell lies. Howseber, here goes. It begins wid de chorus so's you may know it afore you has to sing it."

"Well, Massa Nadgel, you does look like it, but I'm sorry I ain't a doctor. Pra'ps de purfesser would help you better nor me." "You misunderstand me. Can you keep a secret, Moses?" "I kin try if if he's not too diffikilt to keep." "Well, then; listen." The negro opened his eyes and his mouth as if these were the chief orifices for the entrance of sound, and advanced an ear.

"Kom vis me," said Eaglenose to Skipping Rabbit one day after school. "Var you goes?" asked the girl shyly yet we might almost say twinklingly. "Don' know. Nowhars. Everywhars. Anywhars." "Kim 'long, den." "Skipping one," said Eaglenose of course in his own tongue, though he continued the sentence in English "de lunguish of de pale-fass am diffikilt." "Yes 'most too diffikilt for larn."

The next morning, when the boys, Vic, and I were taking our places in the ambulance, Mr. Hopkins and his men, Mr. Gray and Mr. Rosenberg, approached us mounted. They informed me that they were going to La Paz. "The Ingins are gettin' a little too thick here," observed the ranchman. "I find it diffikilt to git proper rest after a hard day's work.

"But dere's a chorus," said Moses, looking round doubtfully. "What o' that? We'll do our best with it if it ain't too difficult." "Oh, it's not diffikilt, but if de lazy fellers among you sings de chorus dey'll be singin' lies, an' I don't 'zackly like to help men to tell lies. Howseber, here goes. It begins wid de chorus so's you may know it afore you has to sing it."

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