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Firstly, in the North of Europe also, are found: Pteroloma Forstroemii Gyllh., Nebria arctica Dej. Secondly, such as have been hitherto found only in Siberia, though their number is but small: Cantharis annulata Fisch., Dermestes domesticus Gebl., Aphodius ursinus N., and A. maurus Gebl., and Leptura sibirica.

That the Serpent Arum should elaborate a powerful essence which impregnates the atmosphere and makes it noisome is perfectly simple and comprehensible. Thus the Dermestes and Saprinidæ, those lovers of corpse-like odours, are warned by molecular diffusion.

I collect butterflies, and my friends think I am a man to be envied because I have such a taste. Do they suppose a butterfly catcher has no provocations? And does anyone but a butterfly hunter know how it feels to open your cabinet drawers just a few hours after the ants have got the news that the camphor is done? Does anyone but an entomologist know the grub of Dermestes intolerabilis?

Cairn released the hand which he held, and Ferrara sat quite still, looking straight before him. "Dermestes beetles! from the skull of a mummy! You filthy, obscene beast!" Ferrara spoke, with a calm suddenly regained: "Is there anything obscene in the study of beetles?"

"Is it," he would ask them, "to repulse their enemies that certain caterpillars smear themselves with a corrosive product? But the larva of the Calosoma sycophanta, which feeds on the Processional caterpillar of the oak-tree, pays no heed to it, neither does the Dermestes, which feeds on the entrails of the Processional caterpillar of the pine-tree." And consider mimicry.

Look how the shadow of the campanile creeps out beneath us, over church and War-Office-Annexe, over life and over death. Religion is a corpse and the world is its morgue. But out of corruption comes forth sweetness. No creature known to man possesses more intense vitality than the dermestes beetle which propagates in the skull of a mummy. From the ashes of the Cross you arise.

Something did, anyhow, and it was n't mice. Found the shelf covered with little hairy cases belonging to something or other that had no business there. Skins of the Dermestes lardaraus, said the Scarabee, you can always tell them by those brown hairy coats. That 's the name to give them.

Soon the odour of the corpse attracts the Fly, the genitrix of the odious maggot. At the same time, the flattened Silpha, the glistening, slow-trotting Horn-beetle, the Dermestes, powdered with snow upon the abdomen, and the slender Staphylinus, all, whence coming no one knows, hurry hither in squads, with never-wearied zeal, investigating, probing and draining the infection.

Now in the very same sense, and no other, than that in which the writer himself by implication compares himself as a man to the dermestes typographicus, or the fucus scorpioides, do I compare the principle of Life to magnetism, electricity, and constructive affinity,—or rather to that power to which the two former are the thesis and antithesis, the latter the synthesis.

The photographs he examined with supercilious curiosity. Then, passing to a huge cabinet, he began to peer in at the rows of amulets, statuettes and other, unclassifiable, objects with which it was laden. Ferrara's voice came. "That head of a priestess on the left, Cairn, is of great interest. The brain had not been removed, and quite a colony of Dermestes Beetles had propagated in the cavity.