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Updated: August 28, 2024

In lesions of the mouth and throat, the teeth should be attended to; the best local application is a solution of chromic acid 10

If we desire to utilise the whole of the chromic acid in our mordanting liquor, we must add to it some sulphuric acid to set free the chromic acid from the potassium with which it is combined. Bichromate of potash with sulphuric acid gives sulphate of potash and chromic acid. The question of the proper exhaustion of bichromate baths is an important economic one. Mr.

Fill the burette to a point above the zero-point and draw off the water until the meniscus is just below that mark. It is then ready for calibration. Chromic acid in sulphuric acid is usually found to be the best cleansing agent, but the mixture must be warm and concentrated.

Prof. Nussbaum. Other substances which would answer the same purpose would be dilute solutions of picric or chromic acid, of not more than one to one-half per cent., or one part to two hundred of water. Vinegar or acetic acid of the shops may also be used; the last to be diluted in the proportions of about one part in ten of water.

When hydrochloric acid is added to bichromate of potash, chromic acid is liberated. Now, chromic acid has the property of precipitating gelatine, so that what I hope to have done is to have precipitated the gelatine in this emulsion, and which will carry down the silver bromide as well.

Nearly fill the burette with the chromic acid solution, close the upper end with a cork stopper and tip the burette backward and forward in such a way as to bring the solution into contact with the entire inner surface. Remove the stopper and pour the solution into a stock bottle to be kept for further use, and rinse out the burette with water several times.

He muttered something about membranous laryngitis which made me smile, but by the time I reached home I was hoarse, and not smiling: before night I had dyspnoca and laryngeal stridor. I at once telegraphed to London for Morgan, and, between him and Johnson, they have been opening my trachea, and burning my inside with chromic acid and the galvanic cautery.

Quinine, C H N O , when carefully oxidized with chromic acid or potassium permanganate, yields a series of products. The alkaloid has been shown to be a tertiary base. Quinidine yields with chromic acid the same decomposition products as quinine.

N.W. Shedd, M.I.T. OTTO, BARON V.D. PFORDTEN. The author makes use of a solution of chromous chloride, which he prepares as follows: He first heats chromic acid with concentrated hydrochloric acid, so as to obtain a strong green solution of chromic chloride free from chlorine. This is then reduced with zinc and hydrochloric acid.

Because a sixth of it is chromic acid, while other gems, as the garnet, are coloured by oxide of iron. The most esteemed, and at the same time, rarest colour, of the oriental ruby, is pure carmine, or blood-red of considerable intensity, forming, when well polished, a blaze of the most exquisite and unrivalled tint.

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