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Thus the leaders, Sam and Yan, soon found themselves paired with Guy and Peetweet. Wes felt bound to take care of his little cousin Char-less. Bluejay, finding himself the odd man, decided to stay with Caleb, especially as the swamp evidently was without proper footpaths. "Now," said Caleb, "northwest of here there is a river called the Beaver, that runs into Black River.

Caleb acted as go-between for Char-less Boyle and William Raften, and their feud was forgotten for the time at least as they related stories of their early hunting days, to the delight of Yan and the Tribe. There were four other boys there whom Little Beaver met for the first time.

The rest came straggling up, with Char-less last and Guy a little ahead of him. Guy wanted to relate the full particulars of his latest glorious victory over Char-less, but all attention was now on old Turk, who was barking savagely up the tree. "Don't unnerstan' it at all, at all," said Caleb. "Coony kind o' tree, but Dog don't act Coony."

One of them was Char-less Boyle; the other was old Moore, poor as a church mouse, but a genial soul, and really put on the Board as a lubricant between Boyle and Raften. Boyle was much the more popular. But Raften was always made trustee, for the people knew that he would take extremely good care of funds and school as well as of scholars.

I'll show you fellers how," exclaimed Guy in his usual scornful manner, and wrote down Fifty feet. "Let's all try it for scalps," said Char-less, but this was ruled too unimportant for scalps, and again the penalty of failure was dishwashing, so the other boys came and put down their guesses close to that of their Chief Forty-four, Forty-six and Forty-nine feet.