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Updated: August 23, 2024

It is a noble structure, to be sure, of which the inhabitants are proud; but it was designed and executed for them by an Englishman. From Prague we tramped with all the diligence of needy travellers to Brünn, the capital of Moravia. Our march was straggling.

Brunn, in his history of ancient sculpture, attributes them to the school of Lysippus, a contemporary of Alexander, which Brunn certainly would not have done if he had possessed a good eye for form.

Still, if Mr. Ruskin had, like Brunn in his Gotteridealen, selected heads like those of the Demeter of Cnidus or the Hera Farnese to illustrate his theme, instead of a series of heads on coins magnified to many times the size for which they were designed, he could hardly have written the passages just quoted. But the second of those passages itself supplies us with another clue.

Confess it freely. BUTLER. Yes! Prague is lost. And all the several regiments At Budweiss, Tabor, Braunau, Koenigingratz, At Brunn, and Znaym, have forsaken you, And taken the oaths of fealty anew To the emperor. Yourself, with Kinsky, Terzky, And Illo have been sentenced. WALLENSTEIN remains firm and collected. WALLENSTEIN. 'Tis decided! 'Tis well!

"Therefore, in the name of the Lord of Brunn and the Abbot Thurstan of Ely, I invite you to repair thither, to take part in the great struggle so nobly begun for the deliverance of England from the hateful yoke." There was a dead silence, broken at last by a voice: "But might we not first strike a blow for our own poor homes?"

Here three of our companions, Alcibiade, the Viennese silversmith, and one of the Lübeckers, were unable to proceed further on foot, and took places in thefast coach;” whileHannibaland myself tramped the remaining twenty miles which lay between us and Brünn, the capital of Moravia.

What was still worse, they hired a common woman, a native of Brunn, who pretended she was the daughter of Marshal Schwerin, to give in evidence that she herself was with the King when Trenck entered his tent, whom he immediately made prisoner, and as immediately released. To this part of the prosecution I myself, an eye-witness, can answer: the thing was false and impossible.

He calculated that a balloon, 50 feet in diameter and 150 feet in length, with a vertical surface in front and a horizontal surface behind, might be navigated at a speed of ten miles per hour, and in actual tests at Brunn he proved that a single rise and fall moved the balloon three miles against the wind.

On the 10th of April we arrived at our place of destination. The city of Brunn is the capital of Moravia, where the governor of the two provinces of Moravia and Silesia is accustomed to reside. Situated in a pleasant valley, it presents a rich and noble aspect.

At all events, I could discover none at Brünn, nor could any of those whom I interrogated on the subject, direct me where to look for them. There is not much to praise, there is very little to describe, in the general aspect of the country between Brünn and Vienna.

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