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The general could not see the place; it lay between the Massanuttons and the Blue Ridge, but it was in his mind. He spoke to an aide. "To-morrow I think I will recall Kenly and send him down the pike to develop the force of the enemy." The small town of Strasburg pulsed with flaring lights and with the manifold sounds of the encamped army.

And this was the manner of it. They were just finishing dinner and Billie was congratulating himself that he had had his fill of good American cooking, when an aide announced that a Mexican gentleman, Don Esteban Mendoza, craved an immediate audience with Gen. Funston.

French rabble! The Emperor did well to declare war against such people. My husband dined yesterday with Guy; you know, the tall Guy, who is an aide of Leboeuf. Well, we are ready, admirably ready, and the Prussians not at all. You are showing me ball-dresses. I don't quite know why, but I tell it to you as I heard it. But there are thirteen. I never could have thirteen. Whereupon she departed.

"Perhaps an aide ought to do it. Shall I? I believe it would please her." "A Bearer of the Sign is not a royal person," answered Marco. "My father would not like it and I should not. We are only two boys." It was very wonderful when, after their supper was over, they all three sat together before the fire.

"This, Sprague," said the young aide, lowering his voice as he came abreast of Jones's cell, "is the man the Government has the strongest proof against. He is proved to have come into our lines from the Warwick River, to have managed to escape from Castle Thunder, and to have led the miscreants to Rosedale.

He had his own opinion, but no one asked for it and he smoked in an undisturbed private council of war. At last, as he rose, Newton said, "You knew John Reynolds well, Penhallow. A moment before he fell, his aide had begged him to fall back to a less dangerous position." "He was my friend a soldier of the best." "The Pennsylvanians are in force to-day you and I and "

Here, about two hours later, Colonel Macdonell, Brock's aide, collected and reformed the scattered units, and made another bold dash to rescale the heights and retake the redan. A detailed account of the incidents that followed in dramatic succession would fill a book.

He at once expressed a desire to accept a position on my staff, and having obtained by the next day the necessary authority, he and I started for Washington, accompanied by Lieutenant T. W. C. Moore, one of my aides, leaving behind Lieutenant M. V. Sheridan, my other aide, to forward our horses as soon as they should be sent down to Chattanooga from Loudon, after which he was to join me.

During the battle before Lustadt all the Austrian troops had been withdrawn from Blentz and hurried to the front. It was then that the aide had been transferred to the castle, from which he had escaped early that morning. To reach Lustadt he had been compelled to circle the Austrian position, coming to Lustadt from the south.

His large grey eyes lightened from time to time as he ranged them over the floating couples, and dropped a word of inquiry to his aide, Captain Sir Lukin Dunstane, a good model of a cavalry officer, though somewhat a giant, equally happy with his chief in passing the troops of animated ladies under review. He named as many as were known to him.