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Is it not now the hour, The holy hour, when to the cloudless height Of yon starred concave climbs the full-orbed moon, And to this nether world in solemn stillness, Gives sign, that, to the list'ning ear of Heaven Religion's voice should plead? The very babe Knows this, and, chance awak'd, his little hands Lifts to the gods, and on his innocent couch Calls down a blessing. Caractacus

They, as well as my self, were provided each of them with a Bed, in very handsome and commodious Rooms. These Beds were so very soft, that I seem'd to lye on a Couch of Air. When we awak'd, the Selenites came into my Chamber, and told me it was time to take some Nourishment; that they had provided Corn for my Companions, and desir'd I would sit down to Supper with them, it being their usual time.

About an Hour before day, I awak'd, and saw somebody walking up and down the Room in a seemingly deep Melancholy. I call'd out to know who it was, and it prov'd to be Mr. Bridegroom, who in less than 12 Hours, was Batchelor, Husband, and Widdower, his dear Spouse having pick'd his Pocket of the Beads, Cadis, and what else should have gratified the Indians for the Victuals we receiv'd of them.

The poem abounds in such, and the critics, from Addison downwards, have busied themselves in finding out more and more of them. Milton's geography of the world is as obscure and untenable as that of Herodotus. The notes of time cannot stand together. That day I oft remember, when from sleep I first awak'd.

The bee awak'd with anger wild The bee awak'd, and stung the child. Loud and piteous are his cries; To Venus quick he runs, he flies; "Oh mother! I am wounded through "I die with pain in sooth I do! "Stung by some little angry thing. "Some serpent on a tiny wing, "A bee it was for once, I know, "I heard a rustic call it so." "Isn't that a very pretty song?" asked the laughing girl.

The Wind being at N.W. it froze very hard, which prepar'd such a Night's Lodging for me, that I never desire to have the like again; the wet Bedding and freezing Air had so qualify'd our Bodies, that in the Morning when we awak'd, we were nigh frozen to Death, until we had recruited our selves before a large Fire of the Indians.

The bee awak'd with anger wild The bee awak'd, and stung the child. Loud and piteous are his cries; To Venus quick he runs, he flies; "Oh mother! I am wounded through "I die with pain in sooth I do! "Stung by some little angry thing. "Some serpent on a tiny wing, "A bee it was for once, I know, "I heard a rustic call it so." "Isn't that a very pretty song?" asked the laughing girl.

The bee awak'd with anger wild The bee awak'd, and stung the child. Loud and piteous are his cries; To Venus quick he runs, he flies; "Oh mother! I am wounded through "I die with pain in sooth I do! "Stung by some little angry thing. "Some serpent on a tiny wing, "A bee it was for once, I know, "I heard a rustic call it so." "Isn't that a very pretty song?" asked the laughing girl.