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Thus did the man of God fulfil the command of his father, and thus he took care that he should not set the example of selling the rights of the church or the heritage of his parents. But all the revenues of this church were by Lumanus transferred to Saint Patrick and his successors, and for ever after given unto the church of Ardmachia. Of the Prophecy of St.

Nevertheless, the divine Providence took heed that occasion of contest should not any more be ministered; for another wain appearing, drawn by two oxen, went before the Ardmachians, even like the former wain which had borne the sacred body unto Dunum; and they stayed not to follow its track, believing that it carried the precious burden, until it came within the borders of Ardmachia, unto a certain river which is named Caucune.

And on a certain day, while they were sitting together and communing of God, the angel appeared and proffered unto them an epistle; the which Saint Patrick reading, found to be an exhortation, nay, rather a command, unto him especially directed, that he should absolutely confer on Moccheus the place which he had builded, with all matters pertaining thereunto, and that he himself should fix his cathedral seat in Ardmachia.

For the Angel Victor met him while on his journey, and said unto him: "Stay thou, O Patrick, thy feet from this thy purpose, since it is not the divine will that in Ardmachia thy life should be closed or thy body therein be sepultured; for in Ulydia, the first place of all Hibernia which thou didst convert, hath the Lord provided that thou shalt die, and that in the city of Dunum thou shall be honorably buried.

And he and all his people, rejecting their idols and all the abominations of the devils, were converted unto Christ, and were baptized at the fountain of Saint Patrick, at the southern side of the city, which the saint, striking the earth with the staff of Jesus, had caused to arise, to the increase of the faith of the believers; wherefore did the saint offer there the sacrifice unto salvation; and there, even to this day, is honor and reverence paid Saint Patrick and his successors, the primates of Ardmachia.

And they appointed a tribute unto Saint Patrick their patron, which was unto the Archbishop of Ardmachia from every merchant ship a sufficient cask of wine or of honey, a hook of iron, or a measure of salt; from every tavern a vessel of mead or of ale; and from every shop a gift of shoes, or gloves, or knives, or combs, with many gifts of such kind.

And a rumor gathers in the palace that he, Patrick of Ardmachia, who in the name of the unknown God had already raised many that were even dead, had on that day arrived in the city.

A certain illustrious man, named Darius, gave unto Saint Patrick at his request a dwelling-place together with a small field, whither he might betake himself with the fellowship of his holy brethren. And this was a small place near Ardmachia, in modern time called the Feast of Miracles.

And their friends and their kindred gathered together and bewailed them for three days, as was the custom of the country, and returned their sacred remains unto the womb of the mother of all human kind. And on that spot was erected a church, which is now collated to the metropolitan seat of Ardmachia.

And after a short time the noble Darius, that he might show unto the saint yet greater favor, brought him out of a low place unto a place which was high; from a narrow dwelling unto one which was spacious and fair, which was foreshown unto him by an angelic miracle, at that time named Druymsaileach, but which is now called Ardmachia.