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Updated: August 16, 2024

Amru, the Khaliff's general and representative, was there building his new capital.

Men and women alike had gazed at them with trembling admiration: most of all at the heroic stature and noble dusky face of Amru, and at the son of the deceased Mukaukas, who, by the Moslem's desire, rode at his side in mourning garb on a fiery black horse.

And its contents were as follows: "If thou, O River, flowest of thyself, then swell not; but if it be God, the One, the Compassionate, that maketh thee to flow, then we entreat the All-merciful that he will bid thee rise!" "That which is not of God," wrote Amru in the letter which enclosed Omar's, "what shall it profit men? But all things created are by Him, and so is your noble river.

There lay the maps and plans which he had desired Nilus to send in from his room for his study of the task set him by Amru; as his eye fell upon them, he struck his fist against the wall, started up, and ran like a madman up and down the room which had been sacred to her peaceful life. There stood her lute; he had freshly strung and tuned it.

My fellow-believers left every Christian fane untouched that I know from our chief Amru himself." "It was the principal church of the Melchites, the Emperor's minions," cried the guide, as if that were ample explanation of the fact. The merchant, however, did not take it so. "Well," he said, "and what is there so dreadful in their creed?" "What?" said the Egyptian, and his eye flashed wrathfully.

Great was her disappointment when presently Justinus and Orion came back to say that Amru, instead of returning to Fostat from the review at Heliopolis, had gone straight to Alexandria. He had engagements there for a few days, and would then start for Medina. The senator saw nothing for it but to follow him up, and Orion volunteered to accompany him.

Early in the morning Bishop Plotinus had come to inform Susannah that Benjamin, Patriarch of Alexandria, was visiting Amru on the opposite shore, and would presently honor Memphis with his presence.

At this Amru rose, went closer to him, and said "And you will seek them in vain, my young friend; nor, if you found them, could you use them.

But Amru took the words out of his mouth and went on in stern and determined reproof: "You behaved to that noble youth like an idiot, like a buffoon at a fair, like a madman." "To Hell with him!" cried Obada, "I hate the gilded upstart." "Envious wretch! Do not provoke him! Times change, and the day may come when you will have reason to fear him." "Him?" shrieked the other.

Orion was indeed furious when he heard of the seizure and occupation of the governor's residence; still, he believed that Amru would insist on restitution; but on hearing of his mother's death he broke down completely.

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