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Mary sighed, a long-drawn "Ah ...!" and told him that a trustworthy messenger must be found to go forth to meet Amru, so as to be in time to save Paula.

This is the reason why Mussulmans always perform seven circuits round the Kaaba in a similar manner. In the eighth year of the Hegira, Kaled son of Al Walid, Amru son of Al As, and Othman son of Telha, who presided over the Kaaba, became Mussulmans; this was a considerable addition to Mahomet's power and interest.

Orion understood this gesture, and although he again succeeded in keeping cool he felt that he could no longer be sure of himself; he bowed low, without paying any heed to the Vekeel, and begged Amru to excuse him for the present.

"To-morrow they will hold council and decide whether to send a messenger to Medina to implore pardon for her," Horapollo went on with a horrible smile. "The day after they will discuss who the messenger is to be, and before he can reach Arabia fate will have overtaken the prisoner. The Vekeel Obada moves faster than they do, and the power lies in his hands so long as Amru is absent from Egypt.

Such a funeral procession had not been seen there within the memory of man. Even the Moslem viceroy, the great general Amru, came over from the other side of the Nile, with his chief military and civil officers, to pay the last honors to the just and revered governor.

To ride, or guide a train of merchandise, to keep the cameldrivers in order, to pitch a camp- all that I can do; but to parley with grand folks, to go straight up to such a man as the great chief Amru with prayers and supplications all that, you see, sweetheart even if it were to save my own father, that would be...." "But who asks you to do all that?" said the child.

"How is that?" laughed Amru, "You are too young and do not count yet, and I know no other maiden in Memphis whose wedding I should care to provide for." "But there is a man towards whom you feel most kindly, and who lives as lonely as a recluse. I should like to see him married, and at the same time as Orion and Paula. I mean our good friend Philippus." "The physician?

"I could crush the puppet like a fly! And he shall live to know it." "Your turn first and then his!" said Amru. "To us he is the more important of the two yes, he, the up start, the puppet. Do you hear? Do you understand? If you touch a hair of his head, it will cost you your nose and ears! Never for an hour forget that you live and ought not to live only so long as two pairs of lips are sealed.

I have seen no mortal with such a form and temper, stateliness and manner; perhaps he learned these fascinating ways from an angel. He held the introduction of the Zamakhshari Arabic grammar in his hand, and was repeating: "Zaraba Zaidun Amranwa Zaid beat Amru and is the assailant of Amru."

With this the Arab turned his back on the Vekeel; but no sooner had the door closed on him than Obada clenched his fist in fury at his lord and master, who had hitherto said nothing of his having had purloined a portion of the consignment of gold which Amru had charged him to escort to Medina. Then he rushed up and down the room, snorting and foaming till slaves came in to clear the tables.