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Thereupon Richika said, "I will give thee a thousand fleet steeds, brown in hue and possessing a single sable car; let thy daughter be given in marriage to me." "Akritavrana said, 'Thus having given his word, O king, he went and said to Varuna, "Give me a thousand fleet steeds brown in colour, and each with one black ear. I want the same as dowry for my marriage."

And then he asked the valiant Akritavrana, who was a follower of Parasurama, when will the revered Parasurama show himself to the religious men here? It is desired on that occasion to obtain a sight of the descendant of Bhrigu. "Akritavrana said, 'Thy journey to this spot is already known to Rama, whose soul spontaneously knows everything.

It behoveth thee, O holy one, to do that which is consistent with reason. ""Akritavrana said, 'This, O blessed lady, O thou of the fairest complexion, that thou sayest with eyes fixed upon virtue, is, indeed, worthy of thee. Listen, however, to what I say!

I, therefore, request thee to narrate to me how the members of the military caste were vanquished by Rama on the field of battle, and what the original cause of those conflicts was. "Akritavrana said, 'With pleasure shall I recite to thee that excellent story, O Bharata's son, O chief of kings, the story of the godlike deeds of Rama, the son of Jamadagni, who traced his origin to Bhrigu's race.

And, O most excellent of the sacerdotal caste, be it known to thee that the intending bridegroom must offer a dowry consisting of a thousand fleet steeds, whose colour must be brown and every one of whom must possess a single sable car. But, O Bhrigu's son, a reverend saint like thee cannot be asked to offer the same. "Akritavrana said.

And after their discourse was over, that royal sage, the high-souled Hotravahana enquired of Akritavrana about Rama that foremost of great sages, saying, 'O thou of mighty arms, where, O Akritavrana, may that foremost of persons acquainted with the Vedas, viz., Jamadagni's son of great prowess be seen? Akritavrana answered him saying, 'O lord, Rama always speaketh of thee, O king, saying, "That royal sage of the Srinjayas is my dear friend," I believe, Rama will be here tomorrow morning.

And then he asked the valiant Akritavrana, who was a follower of Parasurama, 'when will the revered Parasurama show himself to the religious men here? It is desired on that occasion to obtain a sight of the descendant of Bhrigu. "Akritavrana said, 'Thy journey to this spot is already known to Rama, whose soul spontaneously knows everything.

Rama was armed with bow and equipped with a quiver, and with fingers cased in leathern fences! Akritavrana, the dear friend of Bhargava, well-versed in the Vedas, did the duties of a car-driver for that warrior. And he, of Bhrigu's race, repeatedly summoning me to battle, saying, Come, come, gladden my heart.

I, therefore, request thee to narrate to me how the members of the military caste were vanquished by Rama on the field of battle, and what the original cause of those conflicts was. "Akritavrana said, 'With pleasure shall I recite to thee that excellent story, O Bharata's son, O chief of kings, the story of the godlike deeds of Rama, the son of Jamadagni, who traced his origin to Bhrigu's race.

And he grew in years and in strength, and excelled the other saints in the proficiency of his Vaidik lore. "Akritavrana said, 'Jamadagni devoted himself to the study of the Veda and the practice of sacred penances, and became famous for his great austerities. Then he pursued a methodical course of study and obtained a mastery over the entire Veda.