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Updated: July 31, 2024

We got a little bunch o' cattle up in the park Uncle Sam's man is lookin' after 'em." She grinned. "Jackson kicked at the fee, but I says: 'Twenty cents a head is cheap pasture. We're lucky to get any grass at all, now that everybody's goin' in for sheep. 'Pears like the sheepmen air gettin' bolder and bolder in this free-range graft, and I'm a-bettin' on trouble." She rose.

You could a-broke the whole Cheyenne tribe, if you could a-got a-bettin' with 'em before that fight." "Odds was a hundred to one against us, shure," said Battersleigh, seating himself in the doorway of the shack. "Ye may call the big boy loco, or whativer ye like, but it's grateful we may be to him.

The young lady operator dimpled and admitted that it was eminently fair. Hennage had not as yet asked her to violate a confidence. "I'm a-bettin' ten bucks" repeated Mr. Hennage, "that the name McGraw occurs in that telegram." "You win" the operator replied. "How did you guess it?" "I was born with a veil" he replied. "I got the gift o' second sight, an' I'm just a-tryin' it out.

The chuck wagon was right behind us, and he give one jump and went clean over it and lit out across country like an antelope. You-all just ought to 've seen that tenderfoot pull his freight! "The boys come up a-laughin' and watched him run. They was a-bettin' he would n't stop till he got to Apache Teju, but I said it was n't right to buffalo him that bad.

"Tell me, Archie B., lad an' I'll try to enlighten you in my po' way." "Well, now; it's this jes' suppose you wus goin' along now say to school, an' seed a dorg, say his name was Bonaparte, wantin' to eat up a little monkey; an' a lot of fellers, say like Jud Carpenter an' Billy Buch, a-bettin' he cu'd do it in ten minutes an' a-sickin' him on the po' little monkey this big savage dorg.

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