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The Romans were glad to leave the far from attractive region to itself. He penetrated into Dalmatia, but was again driven back as far as the Roman territory. It was not till his successor Publius Scipio Nasica took the large and strong town of Delminium in 599, that the confederacy conformed and professed itself subject to the Romans.

If we express the world's indebtedness, the national debts, in the terms of our currency, as nearly as we can reduce the currency of other nations to such an expression, we find the national debts as follows, in 1890: Denmark $ 33,004,722 Great Britain 3,848,460,000 United States 915,962,112 Germany 1,956,217,017 Austria-Hungary $2,666,339,539 France 4,446,793,398 Russia 3,491,016,074 Italy 2,324,826,329 Spain 1,251,433,096 Netherlands 430,539,653 Belgium 360,504,099 Sweden 64,220,807 Norway 13,973,752 Portugal 490,493,599 Greece 107,306,518 Turkey 821,000,000 Switzerland 10,912,925 These debts aggregate $22,955,386,008

Proportion Proportion Births Burials Marriages of Births to of Births to Marriages Burials 10 Yrs to 1702 21,963 14,718 5,928 37 to 10 150 to 100 5 Yrs to 1716 21,602 11,984 4,968 37 to 10 180 to 100 5 Yrs to 1756 28,392 19,154 5,599 50 to 10 148 to 100

+599+. Protective arrangements of this sort abound in Oceania and Indonesia. In Samoa the sweet-potato fields are taboo till the crop is gathered. Hawaiian fisheries are protected by the simple device of forbidding the taking of certain fish at certain seasons; here the economic motive is obvious, but taboo penalties are annexed.

By the small majority of fifteen in a House of 599 members and this due to the vacillation of the Government he was again refused the right to take his seat. But now the whole Liberal Press took up his quarrel; the oath question became a test question for every candidate for Parliament, and the Government was warned that it was alienating its best friends.

Virgil, who reserves nearly all his similes for the last six books, occasionally strikes an original key. The lion, as may be supposed, furnishes many. We subjoin a further list which may be useful to the reader. Phars. i. 206. Theb. ii. 675; iv. 494; v. 598; vii. 670; viii. 124; ix. 739, and perhaps v. 231. The Serpent, dragon, &c. Aen. xi, 751; v. 273. Theb. v. 599; xi. 310.

To defray these expenditures there was to the credit of the Department on the 1st July, 1856, the sum of $789,599; the gross revenue of the year, including the annual allowances for the transportation of free mail matter, produced $8,053,951, and the remainder was supplied by the appropriation from the Treasury of $2,250,000 granted by the act of Congress approved August 18, 1856, and by the appropriation of $666,883 made by the act of March 3, 1857, leaving $252,763 to be carried to the credit of the Department in the accounts of the current year.

The Romans were glad to leave the far from attractive region to itself. He penetrated into Dalmatia, but was again driven back as far as the Roman territory. It was not till his successor Publius Scipio Nasica took the large and strong town of Delminium in 599, that the confederacy conformed and professed itself subject to the Romans.

More than 63 per cent of the entire value of imported merchandise consisted of the following articles: Sugar and molasses $103,884,274 Wool and woolen manufactures 53,842,292 Silk and its manufactures 49,949,128 Coffee 49,686,705 Iron and steel and manufactures thereof 41,464,599 Chemicals 38,464,965 Flax, hemp, jute, and like substances, and manufactures thereof 33,463,398

The summary of the accounts department informs us that the rations issued on the 11th of September, the day previous to the final stoppage of relief under the Act, were 442,739, being a decrease from the 28th of August of 599,816 daily rations. The expenditure under the Act is thus detailed: To Sir R. Routh for provisions from depôts ... £136,795 0 8