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There were, however, libraries even in the West, formed by Charlemagne and by others after him. We are told that Alcuin, in writing to the great monarch, spoke with longing of the relative wealth of England in these precious estates. Mr. Edwards, whom I have already quoted, mentions Charles the Fifth of France, in 1365, as a collector of manuscripts.

As he crossed the Alps to attend the nuptials, he was seized with an inflammatory fever, and died the 27th of July, 1365, but twenty-six years of age, and leaving no issue. His brother Albert, a young man but seventeen years of age, succeeded Rhodolph.

In 1348 he died of the plague, and his work was continued on the same plan by his brother Matteo. Matteo in his turn died of plague in 1362, and left the Chronicle to his son Filippo, who brought it down to the year 1365. Of the three Villani, Giovanni is the greatest, both as a master of style and as an historical artist.

It is a singular fact that the three great advances which Yale has made have been in the times of the two Dwights and of Woolsey, all descendants of Jonathan Edwards. By the end of his third year the number of students had risen to 1365 and the sixth year to 1784.

Accordingly he made peace at Guerande, on the 11th of April, 1365, after having disputed the conditions inch by inch; and some weeks previously, on the 6th of March, at the indirect instance of the King of Navarre, who, since the battle of Gocherel, had felt himself in peril, Charles V. had likewise put an end to his open struggle against his perfidious neighbor, of whom he certainly did not cease to be mistrustful.

In 1365, when Don Pedro fled before his rebel brother, he was accompanied by his third wife, Juana, and his three daughters, Beatriz, Constanga, and Isabel. They fled from Sevilla to Bayonne, and did not return to Sevilla till 1368, after the victory of Navareta.

The discoverer of America died at Valladolid in 1506, giving directions that the fetters which he had once worn, and which he had kept as evidence of Spanish ingratitude, should be buried with him. About the middle of the year 1365 a formidable expedition set out from France for the invasion of Castile.

At Siena, in 1365, at the age of eighteen, she entered a Dominican sisterhood of the third order, where she vowed to care for the poor, the sick, and for those in prison.

An impeachment was resolved on; and in order to escape their fury, he thought proper secretly to withdraw, and retire into Holland. * Clarendon, vol. i. p. 177. Whitlocke, p. 38, Rush. vol. iii. p. 1365. Clarendon, vol. i. p. 177. Whitlocke, p. 38. Rush. vol. i. p 129.

According to Père Labat, the French founded in 1365 Petit Paris at 'Serrelionne, a town defended by the fort of the Dieppe and Rouen merchants. The official date of the discovery is 1480, when Pedro de Cintra, one of the gentlemen of Prince Henry 'the Navigator, visited the place, after his employer's death A.D. 1463.