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The undersigned, Her Majesty's principal secretary of State for foreign affairs, in accordance with what was agreed upon between himself and M. Guizot, ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary from the King of the French at this court, in their recent interview, has the honour to transmit to M. Guizot an extract from a despatch received by Her Majesty's Government a few days ago from Lord Ponsonby, together with a copy of the inclosure therein referred to.

This place is of great consequence for two reasons, 1st. because it keeps the communication between Canada and Mississipi by the river Ohio open, which else our Indians would be able to intercept at pleasure, and 2d. if it should be made a fort with soldiers enough in it, it will keep our Indians from going over the narrow part of the lake Ontario by this only pass of the Indians without leave of the French, so that if it were demolished the far Indians would depend on us».

144 C'est que: 'the fact is that'. 14 5 Je sens deux hommes en moi: see Romans vii, Galatians v, 17. One of the distinctive features of the religion of St Paul was its insistence upon an internal conflict between the higher and lower impulses of man.

'well! cf. note to 36 18 Partagez-vous ... question: the officer in disgust bids the prince and Tartarin to divide between them the twenty francs that are missing and let the matter drop. 56 2 qu'il n'en soit plus question: 'let's have no more talk about it', cf. note to 4 23. 56 6 j'en fais mon affaire: 'I'll attend to this.

Secondly M. Guizot mentioned my reply to a question in the house of commons about the war between Buenos-Ayres and Montevideo.

He had overheard the conversations between the lovers in regard to the tulip. He had made a pass-key that unlocked the door of Rosa's room, and after making all preparations for his journey had waited for the flower to bloom. While Rosa was carrying the letter to the boatman, he had entered her room and stolen the flower.

I was to a certain degree prepared for the hostility of France by what passed at a visit made by M. Titof to the French ambassador; when the latter, in the course of conversation, said he thought war between France and England inevitable.

68 33 chemins de fer algériens: there were no railroads in Algeria when Daudet visited it in 1861, but between this year and 1872, when "Tartarin" appeared, several hundred miles of tracks had been constructed. 69 2 que je le regrette: 'how I long for it. Regretter = 'to regret, 'to regret the loss or the absence of' a thing, hence 'to long for' a thing. For the anticipatory le cf. note to 32 5.

In Molière's time, as suggested by the passage of "Le Médecin malgré lui" referred to, musa, musae, was the noun commonly used. 41 2 Heureusement qu': que is redundant, cf. 58 23. 41 4 dieu d'Homère: in the "Iliad" and the "Odyssey" the gods often intervene in the affairs of men. 41 11 tenant le milieu entre: 'a cross between.

There is a contrast of which we may have reason to be proud, between the progress of our arms in the East and the operations which a neighbouring power, France, is now carrying on in Africa.