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Voyez Macbeth, etc. An eagle towering in his pride of place Was by a mousing owl hawk'd at and kill'd. Un aigle s'élevant

M. Fox ayant dit qu'il ne s'agissait pas de perdre des amis, M. Burke s'écria: «Oui, il s'agit de perdre des amis! Je connais le résultat de ma conduite; j'ai fait mon devoir au prix de mon ami, notre amitié est finie: I have done my duty at the price of my friend; our friendship is at an end. J'avertis les très honorables gentlemen, qui {p.224} sont les deux grands rivaux dans cette chambre, qu'ils doivent

At the age of twenty-three he was taken into the confidence of Henry II. and gained universal favor by his agreeable and flattering address. In early life he was appointed Archbishop of Rheims and not long after was made cardinal. At first he was inclined to favor the Protestants, but subsequently used his influence toward their extermination.

Zola met Daudet at this time and has left us an attractive picture of him: "He was in the employ of a successful newspaper, he used to bring in his article, receive his remuneration, and disappear with the nonchalance of a young god, sunk in poetry, far from the petty cares of this world. He was living, I think, outside of the city, in a remote corner with other poets, a band of joyous Bohemians.

À la fin de la même année il écrivait encore au pape: «Vestræ jurisdictionis est regnum Angliæ, et quantum at feudatirii juris obligationem, vobis duntaxat teneor et astringorPetr. Blés., epist., ap. Scr. fr. 97 page 300 Philippe Ier, couronné

The mere fact, officially declared by M. Guizot, that the government, the Legislature and the people of France earnestly demand a revision of these engagements, while they profess at the same time an undiminished desire to attain the objects for which they were contracted, would afford to Her Majesty's government a sufficent reason for agreeing to the proposed enquiry.

Signal, and then get in. 2. You would have done better not to go to the city on foot. 3. Tartarin got into the first omnibus that passed. 4. He perceived that there was a sailor at the back of the omnibus smoking cigarettes. 5. Opposite him there were some young Moorish women whose eyes he could not see. 6. The one who was sitting there thought she noticed that he was looking at her. 7.

Vendredi 19 janvier. Dans ce moment la Parisienne a appétit de Gambetta. Elle veut l'avoir at home, elle veut le servir

That there was little congeniality between husband and wife cannot be doubted, yet Mme. de La Fayette's own letters go to prove that for a time at least she was not unhappy. In a letter to Ménage, written from Auvergne soon after her marriage, she says: "La solitude que je trouve ici m'est plutôt agréable qu'ennuyeuse.

91 14 vengeance: Tartarin's vengeance is a delightful bit of humor. 91 16 monta encore: 'ascended still higher. 91 21 Mostaganem: a city on the Mediterranean, west of Algiers. 91 25 curé: it is amusing to hear Tartarin apply the title of the respected French parish priest to the rascally muezzin. At home Tartarin would address the priest as monsieur le curé.