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After this disappointment he enlisted as a volunteer against the Carlists, and was in the army when his play was finally produced. Its success was instantaneous and overwhelming, and enabled the author to leave the army and give all his time to his chosen occupation. Among his other works may be cited Simón Bocanegra, Venganza Catalana, and Juan Lorenzo.

Were the leading character what her name implies a humble servant and were the other characters of her rank, the play might well be classed as a comedia de costumbres; but that it belongs to the larger class is established by the fact that the intrigue is complicated, the question of love and rank is prominent, and the characters are of the nobility.

The ñaque, two players, who could perform entremeses and play one or two musical instruments. The gangarilla, group of three or four actors of whom one was a boy to play a woman's part. They usually played a farce or some other short play. The cambaleo was composed of five men and a woman and remained several days in each village.

Manrique is a selfish and ambitious man, who well deserves his fate. Nuño is unscrupulous and weak, but the weakest character of all is that of Leonor, who, knowing her duty, has neither strength nor will to accomplish it. Azucena is really the most interesting character in the play.

The disguising of a lady of the highest nobility and making her play so well the part of the lowly water-maid furnish the key to the intrigue and would not detract from the play in the eyes of the contemporary, following upon the reign of the pastoral and according as it did with the tastes of the times.

En esta situación, don Eleazar ha resuelto no reconocer sus operaciones. El tiene razón hasta cierto punto; exige fair play, como los luchadores ingleses.

La partida estaba en su pleno y los «Play», «Ready» que se cruzaban entre los jugadores llegaban a su oído llevados por la brisa marina. Hasta distinguía el duro acento anglosajón y las notas argentinas de Blanca cuando se reía de alguna jugada torpe. Aquella chiquilla tenía la culpa de todo...

Her versatility and just claim to her high position are emphasized by the ease with which she assumes her own rank at the close of the play.

In a note, Act II, Scene III, Hartzenbusch mentions "la edición antigua de la comedia," but does not specify to what edition he refers. The play appears in Comedias de Diferentes Autores, Vol.

The scene, opening in historic Ronda in the midst of the places made famous by the mighty family of the Guzmáns, then moving north to an obscure town in the Sierra-Morena, little known to the cultured atmosphere in which the play was to be represented, and finally centering in the capital and developing under the very eye of the audience, as it were, just as so many tragedies and comedies, less important perhaps but no less interesting, unfold in daily life about us, gives the play a broader interest than it would have and doubtless contributed powerfully to its success.