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Then to escape arrest she fled in the guise of a servant girl, which was in fact a very natural one for her to assume, for even at the present time no high-born young Spanish woman would dare to travel unattended and undisguised through her native land; besides, to do so would have revealed her identity.

As great difference exists in the usage of the Spanish punctuation marks at the present day, it has been thought advisable in this edition to adopt in some cases what might be called mixed punctuation, that is, when there is a question which is also an exclamation, attention is called to the fact by the use of the interrogation point before and the exclamation point after the phrase or sentence.

Or if they have read a few of the best Spanish novels in French or English versions, they may not have found them very interesting. This is explained, I take it, by the fact that Spanish literature is essentially national, and if you do not know the Spanish people you can not fully understand their literature. This is largely true of all literatures, but it is especially true of the Spanish.

Were the leading character what her name implies a humble servant and were the other characters of her rank, the play might well be classed as a comedia de costumbres; but that it belongs to the larger class is established by the fact that the intrigue is complicated, the question of love and rank is prominent, and the characters are of the nobility.

From his works we can easily believe that both of these motives entered into it; in fact he says as much in his correspondence with the Duque de Sessa. Speaking of this phase of the poet's life, Fitzmaurice-Kelly says: "It was an ill-advised move. Ticknor, indeed, speaks of a 'Lope, no longer at an age to be deluded by his passions'; but no such Lope is known to history.