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For his employer he composed about this time the pastoral romance Arcadia, which was not published until 1598. The remaining years of his banishment, which was evidently remitted in 1595, were uneventful enough, but this last year brought to him a great sorrow in the death of his faithful wife.

In politics he was a conservative and a Carlist, and his writings evince a hostile attitude towards modernism. Pereda was the most reactionary, Pérez Galdós one of the most progressive, of modern Spanish writers; but the two men were the best of friends, which goes to show that neither was narrow.

Were the leading character what her name implies a humble servant and were the other characters of her rank, the play might well be classed as a comedia de costumbres; but that it belongs to the larger class is established by the fact that the intrigue is complicated, the question of love and rank is prominent, and the characters are of the nobility.

The dramatic representations before this time were doubtless limited in a large measure to select audiences in castles and courts of noble residences; but Lope de Rueda had as his theater the public squares and market-places, and as his audience the great masses of the Spanish people, who now for the first time had a chance to dictate the trend which the national drama should take.

To these various classes must be added the Autos sacramentales, which were written to be represented on occasions of religious festivals. Their theme is usually popular, even grotesque, and the representation took place in the streets. Lope de Vega took the Spanish drama as he found it, and from its better qualities he built the national drama.

At the intertaiment of the Cardinall Alphonsus and the infant of Spaine in the Low-countryes, they were presented at Antwerpe with sundry pageants and playes; the King of Denmarque, father to hin that now reigneth, entertaimed into his service á company of English comedians, commended unto him by the honourable the Earle of Leicestre: the Duke of Brunswicke and the Landgrave of Hessen retaine in their court certaine of ours of the same quality.

However, at an early date there were many strolling players who are classed in the Viaje entretenido in no less than eight professional grades: The bululú, a solitary stroller who went from village to village reading simple pieces in public places and living from the scanty collections taken among the audience.

The external conditions of the kingdom were momentarily favorable for such a period as that through which the country was passing, for Spain was at peace with all the world. The Netherlands and other continental possessions were placated by concessions or temporarily quieted by truces, and the American possessions were prosperous and contributed an enormous toll of wealth to the mother-country.

This interesting comedia was written in the last decade of the life of Lope de Vega, in the most fertile period of his genius. Hartzenbusch is authority for the statement that it was written towards the close of the year 1625 and revised in 1632. It is evident that the closing lines of it were written in 1632, for the author says in the

However, he seems to have consoled himself easily, for on his return to Madrid the following year we know of his entering upon a career of gallant adventures which were to last many years and which were scarcely interrupted by his second marriage in 1598 to Doña Juana de Guardo. Aside from his literary works the following twelve years of the life of Lope offer us but little of interest.