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At the intertaiment of the Cardinall Alphonsus and the infant of Spaine in the Low-countryes, they were presented at Antwerpe with sundry pageants and playes; the King of Denmarque, father to hin that now reigneth, entertaimed into his service á company of English comedians, commended unto him by the honourable the Earle of Leicestre: the Duke of Brunswicke and the Landgrave of Hessen retaine in their court certaine of ours of the same quality.

The beginnings of the Spanish secular theater were quite humble and most of them have been lost in the mists of time and indifference. The recognized founder of the modern Spanish theater appeared the same year Columbus discovered the New World. Agustín Rojas, the actor, in his Viaje entretenido, says of this glorious year: "In 1492, Ferdinand and Isabella saw fall the last stronghold of the Moors in the surrender of Granada, Columbus discovered America, and Juan del Encina founded the Spanish theater." Juan del Encina was a graduate of the University of Salamanca and lived at the time mentioned above in the household of the Duke of Alba at Alba de Tormes. It was here that, before select audiences, were first presented his early plays or

«10 l. paid to John Navarro for himself and the rest of the company of Spanish players for a play presented before his Majesty. Dec. 23 d 1635. Office-book of the Lord Chamberlain. Collier, vol. II, pág. 6910 l. pagadas á Juan Navarro para él y para los demás de la compañía de actores españoles, por representar una comedia ante S. M., 23 de diciembre de 1635.