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It too is one of the few plays of the poet which have continued down to recent times in the favor of the Spanish theater-going public, perhaps in the end the most trustworthy critic.

Campillo also collaborated in the collecting and writing of Chascarillos andaluces with Juan Valera, J. López Valdemoro and Dr. Thebussen. Attended the institute at Las Palmas, and in 1863 went to Madrid to read law. A republican deputy in the Cortes. He has also dramatized the following of his novels: Realidad, La loca de la casa, La de San Quentín, Doña Perfecta, et al.

Tanto madrugar, y tanto madrugar, y luego no hacedes ni medio cigarro, en el día, que mismo no sabedes menear los dedos, que mismo los tenedes que parecen chorizos, que mismo Dios os hizo torponas, que mismo.... Aquí ya la sorna y flema de las interpeladas tocaba a su fin, y respondían coléricas, pero entre dientes: ¿Y luego?

Quarrels and fights between country wenches would be incited for her to witness unsuspected; nocturnal tumults would be provoked for her amusement in the gardens of Aranjuez or other palaces; and it is related that, when she was in one of the grated aposentos of a public theater, snakes or noxious reptiles would be secretly let loose upon the floor or in the cazuela, to the confusion and alarm of the spectators, whilst the gay, red-cheeked young Queen would almost laugh herself into fits to see the stampede."

Pedro, the lackey suitor of doña María, known to him as Isabel, is the prototype of the modern "chulo" whose traits can be traced in his every word and action. Disappointed in his love-making, he loses none of his characteristics of braggadocio and willingly assumes the rôle of defender of Isabel although he himself has been maltreated by the bellicose "moza de cántaro."

Since Lope de Vega had no classic rules to observe and was limited in his composition only by popular tastes, he could without offense take his characters from whatever class of society he wished so long as his choice was pleasing to the audience, which, it happens, was not easily offended.

Fernán Caballero was probably influenced by the Escenas andaluzas, the Escenas matritenses and Larra's essays on manners; and it is quite possible that from her German friends came to her some of the modern spirit of scientific investigation that led her to declare the novel to be "not the product of invention, but of observation."

He acts as a news-gatherer for his master and, while thus occupied, he falls in love with Leonor, who does not seem to prove for him a difficult conquest. With characteristic Spanish liberty he advises his masters freely and is generally heeded and mixes in everything his comments, which, while not always free from suggestiveness, are filled with a contagious levity.

The introduction of the tragic element into the play early in the first act has a tendency to soften its effect, especially as it has little relation to the subsequent action. However, the mere introduction of it in the play would probably, in the early French theater, class the drama as a tragi-comedy.

Descargo y Datta que da D.n Leonardo Çaforteza, Receptor del S.to Officio de la Inqq.on de Mallorca del Sequestro de los bienes Confiscados a Thereza Cortes V.ª de Honofre Aguilo relajada que fue por dho. S.to Offen la Complicidad de Judaysmo Sucitada en el año de 1688.== Censos sobre los derechos nuebos de la Univerz.d Primeramente se le admiten en C.ta al dho.