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For over fifty years Lope de Vega enriched the Spanish drama with the wonders of his genius, yet from El Verdadero Amante, certainly in its original form one of his earliest plays now in existence, to Las Bizarrías de Belisa, written the year before his death, we find a uniformity of vigor, resourcefulness and imagination that form a lasting monument to his versatility and powers of invention, and amply justify his titles of "Fénix de los ingenios" and "Monstruo de la naturaleza."

He was thereafter its literary lion, whose very appearance in the streets furnished an occasion for tumultuous demonstration of affection. The last decade of the life of Lope de Vega saw him seeking no rest or retirement behind the friendly walls of some monastic retreat, but rather was it the most active period of his literary career.

France, on the other hand, is so situated as to feel the cross-currents of European life. Do not these facts explain, at least in part, the relatively insular characteristics of much contemporary Spanish literature? The Spanish literature, however, by its very provincialism is fascinating to those who are interested in Spanish civilization.

Madrid, with all its unsightliness, was one of the most brilliant courts of Europe and attracted to itself the most gifted subjects of the realm.