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Untrammeled by the unities or other dramatic conventionalities, Lope was able in this drama, as in his others, to permit the action to develop naturally and simply with the various vicissitudes attendant upon every-day life and yet to weave the intricate threads of intrigue into a complex maze perfect in detail.

On the sarcophagus rises a pedestal in doric style, upon which are four statuettes that symbolize love of country, valor, constancy, and virtue. In the midst of the statues rises a tall obelisk, upon which is written in characters of gold, Dos de Mayo. =Se puso a=, began to. = exclamar a Luisa=, I heard Luisa exclaim. =Debía de ser=, must have been.

It is upon the Novelas that his wider literary reputation rests, for in the narration of contemporary Spanish life, in the reflection of the ideas and the sentiments of the people, he has no rival.

Entre el hueco de dos piedras suele verse la chata y verde cabeza del Upon, reptil que figura en la familia de los votrofídeos, cuya mordedura es mortal. Al Mayon constantemente lo adorna un penacho de humo, que unas veces lo abate el viento, en cuyo caso se revierte por los dentados cortes del cráter, y otras se alza orgulloso y altanero por cima de la región de las nubes.

La bahía de Río de Janeiro. La rada y la ciudad. Tijuca. Las costas de África. La hermana de caridad. El Tajo. La cuarentena en el Gironde. Burdeos. Once more upon the waters; Yet once more! ¡Eternamente bello ese arco triunfal del suelo americano!

More violent than Don Diègue, who is restrained by the decorum of the French classic theater, more tearful than Don Diego of las Mocedades, who, after a passionate soliloquy, rather coolly tests the valor of his sons, ending by biting the finger of "el Cid," Don Bernardo appears first upon the stage in tears and frequently, during the only scene in which he figures, gives way to his grief.