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The French literature, for instance, is more universal and less national than the Spanish, perhaps by the very force of geographical position. Spain is nearly surrounded by water, and on land it is separated from the rest of Europe, excepting only Portugal, by an almost insurmountable barrier of lofty mountains.

More violent than Don Diègue, who is restrained by the decorum of the French classic theater, more tearful than Don Diego of las Mocedades, who, after a passionate soliloquy, rather coolly tests the valor of his sons, ending by biting the finger of "el Cid," Don Bernardo appears first upon the stage in tears and frequently, during the only scene in which he figures, gives way to his grief.

Los que viajan en las montañas tienen siempre un sentimiento de gratitud a la mula, cuyo esfuerzo y vigilancia contribuyen, en su vanidad, al respeto y cariño por la vida del hombre que conducen. No podría la mula contestarles, como el marinero de Shakespeare: None than I love more than myself? .

In Europe generally the nineteenth century brought to literature a resumption of religious sentiment and of the artistic sense, with their appeal to the emotions, and lyricism became the dominant note in letters. The romanticists turned to history and legend for their material, rather than to contemporary life.

Me complazco figurarme, por ejemplo, al ilustre general von der Than ligero de ropas, según la antigua usanza, en medio de un verde jardinillo, con un hermoso pedestal adornado con bajos relieves que representen por un lado los Guerreros bávaros incendiando la aldea de Bareilles, y por el otro, los Guerreros bávaros rematando a los heridos franceses en la ambulancia de Woerth. ¡Qué grandioso monumento será!

In them the author presents the graver themes of religion to the people in a popular and comprehensible manner, in which levity is often more prominent than gravity. Comedias de costumbres, in which the chief personages are from the lower classes and of which the language is even lascivious and the subject treated with a liberty not encountered in other dramas of the author.

However, at an early date there were many strolling players who are classed in the Viaje entretenido in no less than eight professional grades: The bululú, a solitary stroller who went from village to village reading simple pieces in public places and living from the scanty collections taken among the audience.

The family of Lope de Vega Carpio was one of high rank, if not noble, and had a manor house in the mountain regions of northwestern Spain. Of his parents we know nothing more than the scanty mention the poet has given them in his works. It would seem that they lived a while at least in Madrid, where the future prince of Spanish dramatists was born, November 25, 1562.

There is constant repetition of common words and expressions, so that comparatively long lessons may be assigned and the pupil may be enabled to acquire an extensive knowledge of useful every-day Spanish and become familiar with the structure of the Spanish sentence at an earlier period than has been possible heretofore.