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In them the author presents the graver themes of religion to the people in a popular and comprehensible manner, in which levity is often more prominent than gravity. Comedias de costumbres, in which the chief personages are from the lower classes and of which the language is even lascivious and the subject treated with a liberty not encountered in other dramas of the author.

After this disappointment he enlisted as a volunteer against the Carlists, and was in the army when his play was finally produced. Its success was instantaneous and overwhelming, and enabled the author to leave the army and give all his time to his chosen occupation. Among his other works may be cited Simón Bocanegra, Venganza Catalana, and Juan Lorenzo.

Benito Pérez Galdós, the author of the following drama, was born May 10, 1845, at Las Palmas, in the Canary Islands. Through modesty, or reserve, he has withheld every biographical detail concerning his early life. In fact his biographer, Leopoldo Alas, tells us that it was only with the greatest difficulty he obtained from him the admission that he was born in the Canary Islands.

But about 1560 there flourished in Spain probably the most important figure in the early history of the national drama. This was the Sevillian gold-beater, later actor and dramatic author, Lope de Rueda.

The Spanish stories in this collection have been arranged, so far as possible, in the order of difficulty; but some instructors will doubtless prefer to read them in chronological order, or, better still, in an order determined by the "school", or literary affiliations, of each author. This latter arrangement is difficult to make, and it must be, at the best, somewhat arbitrary.