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In the present instance the Indiano is a bigoted, miserly fellow who seeks, at the least possible cost, position at the Spanish court and who employs doña María largely for motives of interest rather than through sympathy for her poverty-stricken condition.

Fernán Caballero was probably influenced by the Escenas andaluzas, the Escenas matritenses and Larra's essays on manners; and it is quite possible that from her German friends came to her some of the modern spirit of scientific investigation that led her to declare the novel to be "not the product of invention, but of observation."

Philip himself was weak and pleasure-loving, but has never been regarded as perverse, and Olivares was ambitious and longed to rule Spain as the great Cardinal was ruling France. To achieve this end he isolated the monarch from every possible rival and kept him occupied with all sorts of diversions.

His funeral, with the possible exception of that of Victor Hugo, was the greatest ever accorded to any man of letters, for it was made the occasion of national mourning.

Rodando con dificultad, con precipicios espantosos á los lados, incómodos en los estrechos cajones, llegamos á la cima de los Alpes, á una altura de que solo víéndolo se cree possible llegar; tanto habíamos subido.

Aplacó esto porque hizo La Rueda de la fortuna, comedia en que un Rey aporrea á su muger y acuden muchos á llorar este paso como si fuera possible...... »De poetas no digo muchos en cierne para el año que viene, pero ninguno hay tan malo como Cervantes ni tan necio que alabe á D. Quixote. Dicen en esta ciudad que se viene la corte para ella.

Otro capítulo indicará las mejoras agrícolas, industriales y comerciales de que cada provincia es susceptible, haciendo conocer en lo possible, por medio de la comparacion con las diferentes regiones de la Europa, qué procederes debieran aplicarse de preferencia á cada ramo, en los puntos de Bolivia que se asemejan mas á aquellas, á fin de aprovechar todos los recursos locales tan multiplicados, y en gran parte desconocidos hasta el presente.