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He knew the unities and ignored them in his works, preferring, as he says, to give the people what they wished, and he laid down precepts for composition, but even these he obeyed indifferently. Always clever, he interpreted the popular will and gratified it.

The Spanish stories in this collection have been arranged, so far as possible, in the order of difficulty; but some instructors will doubtless prefer to read them in chronological order, or, better still, in an order determined by the "school", or literary affiliations, of each author. This latter arrangement is difficult to make, and it must be, at the best, somewhat arbitrary.

C. A. Dohrn, en su excelente traducción de dramas españoles, tomo IV, Berlín, 1844, no por cierto muy conocida, vierte así al alemán las últimas palabras de García: Num, so lasst die Trommel schmettern! Gleich dem Blitze will ich wettern Auf die saracen'schen Gauen! Von des Blutes Purpurströmen Sei die Kriegesschaale voll, Und mit diesem Ende soll Dort mein Ruhm den Anfang nehmen!

The theater of the Golden Age of Spanish letters occupies a position unique in the history of the theaters of modern Europe, for it is practically free from foreign influence and is largely the product of the popular will.

These somewhat somber themes in time failed to satisfy the popular will and gradually subjects of a more secular nature were introduced. This innovation in England and France was the signal for the disappearance of the sacred plays; but not so in Spain, where they were continued several centuries, under the title of autos, after they had disappeared in other parts of Europe.

Al amanecer del día siguiente, un agente de orden público tropezó con su cadáver entre la nieve. El médico de la casa de socorro certificó que había muerto por la congelación de la sangre. Mira, Jiménez dijo un guardia de los que le habían llevado a su compañero. ¡Parece que se está riendo! =El mejor día=, some fine day. =Me da el corazón que ha de escribir=, my heart tells me that he will write.