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Philip III died in 1621, leaving the vast realm which he had inherited from his father, the gloomy though mighty Philip II, to his son, a youth of sixteen years, who came to the throne under the title of Philip IV. If Philip III was ruled by Lerma and Uceda, Philip IV, in his turn, was completely under the domination of the unprincipled Olivares, and his accession initiated one of the most interesting and most corrupt reigns that Spain has ever known.

El Trovador was given operatic form by the great Italian composer Giuseppi Verdi, and under its Italian title, Il Trovatore, is well known throughout the world.

These somewhat somber themes in time failed to satisfy the popular will and gradually subjects of a more secular nature were introduced. This innovation in England and France was the signal for the disappearance of the sacred plays; but not so in Spain, where they were continued several centuries, under the title of autos, after they had disappeared in other parts of Europe.

The references to this extensive work are usually made by means of the titles of the separate volumes. Particularly is this true of the references to the dramas of Lope de Vega, which, under the title of Comedias Escogidas de Lope de Vega, include volumes 24, 34, 41, 52 of the work. Obras Escogidas de Frey Lope Félix de Vega Carpio, con prólogo y notas por Elías Zerolo, Paris, 1886, Vol.

It is most important for the light it sheds on the early years of his life, for it is largely autobiographical. Another volume, issued from the pen of Lope in 1634 under the title of Rimas del licenciado Tomé de Burguillos, contains the mock-heroic, La Gatomaquia, the highly humorous account of the love of two cats for a third.