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Collier, History of English dramatic Poetry, volumen II, pág. 408.

También la Worse and worse, de la misma, es un arreglo de la de Peor está que estaba, y la Elvira or the worst not always true de la de Calderón, No siempre lo peor es cierto. Dodsley's collection of old Plays, vol. Collier, 1. c., pág. 69. Collier, History of englishe dramatic poetry, II, pág. 385. Dodsley, Collection of old Plays, tomo I. Lope nació en 1562 y Shakespeare en 1564.

Untrammeled by the unities or other dramatic conventionalities, Lope was able in this drama, as in his others, to permit the action to develop naturally and simply with the various vicissitudes attendant upon every-day life and yet to weave the intricate threads of intrigue into a complex maze perfect in detail.

The immortal Cervantes wrote many plays in this period and claimed to favor the classic drama, but his dramatic works are not of sufficient importance to win for him a place in either party.

Por último aparece éste, se suscita un altercado entre el caballero y el pastor, siendo éste rechazado, y exhortándolo su amada á renunciar á su insensata pasión, y termina, después de reconciliarse todos, con dos villancicos sobre los dolores y placeres del amorLa traducción, ó más bien la imitación inglesa más antigua es del año 1530. V. á Collier, History of Dramatic Poetry, II, 408.

En el Essay on dramatic poetry, de Dryden, se habla de traducciones de dramas españoles, representados en Londres, y las composiciones dramáticas de este mismo poeta ofrecen señales indudables de que su autor había leído las de Lope y Calderón.

Antonio García Gutiérrez was born in Chiclina, a small town in Andalusia, July 5, 1813. His father wished him to become a doctor, but his own tendency towards poetry was so strong that he soon gave up all idea of a medical career and went to Madrid to seek his fortune. Here he wrote El Trovador, which was promptly rejected by the dramatic managers.

But about 1560 there flourished in Spain probably the most important figure in the early history of the national drama. This was the Sevillian gold-beater, later actor and dramatic author, Lope de Rueda.