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But the historical romance turned the mind of the reader away from adventures in classic lands or in the orient, and brought his own land to his attention. It thus caused renewed interest in the one-time native excellence of Spanish literature, and it also paved the way for the national novel of manners.

The disastrous expedition returned to Cadiz in December, and Lope made his way back to the city of his exile, Valencia, where he was joined by his wife. There they lived happily for some time, the poet gaining their livelihood by writing and selling plays, which up to that time he had written for his own amusement and given to the theatrical managers.

These various rimes, except the tercet, are found in La Moza de Cántaro, but in this rule, as in others which he prescribes, Lope does not follow his own precepts. The redondilla is far more common than any other, though the romance is frequently used.

During the expedition, according to his own account, Lope fought bravely against the English and the Dutch, using, as he says, his poems written to "Filis" for gun-wads, and yet found time to write a work of eleven thousand verses entitled la Hermosura de Angélica.

But among the younger writers there are some who show little French influence, or none at all. These may be divided into two classes: those who write only in pure classical Castilian, and who, if they use Americanisms at all, use them consciously and with due apologies; and those who write freely and naturally in the current language of the educated classes of their own particular Spanish-American country. To represent the first of these two types, Un alma, by Ricardo FERNÁNDEZ GUARDIA,[N] has been selected for this volume of Spanish Short Stories. Juan Neira, by Joaquín DÍAZ GARC

Doña María is a type of Spanish woman of which history furnishes numerous parallels. Her family name had suffered disgrace and her own father was crying out for an avenger; there was no one else to take up the task, she eagerly took it upon herself and punished her suitor with the death she thought he deserved.