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Ancient mysteries, described by William Hone. London, 1823. A collection of english miracle-plays or mysteries, by William Marriott, 1838. V. también los Cuadernos histórico-políticos de G. Görres, tomo VI; y para la bibliografía, el excelente y acabado Lehrbuch einer allgemeinen Litterärgeschichte, von J. G. Th. Grässe., B. II, Abth. 2, Dresden, 1842. Le Grand d'Aussy, Fabliaux, tomo II.

During the expedition, according to his own account, Lope fought bravely against the English and the Dutch, using, as he says, his poems written to "Filis" for gun-wads, and yet found time to write a work of eleven thousand verses entitled la Hermosura de Angélica.

Hacia el mismo tiempo desembarcaban en Angostura y Margarita tres cuerpos de tropas reclutadas en Inglaterra, mandados por Elsom, English y Uzlar, sirviendo esto á Bolívar para completar su plan de campaña, á cuya combinacion se consagraba seriamente y con su habitual actividad.

»Y should tire mjselfe to reckon the names of all French, Roman, German, Spanish, Italian and English poets, being in number infinite, and their labours extant to approve their worthinesse. »Actors were supported by the Mantuans, Venetians, Valencians, and others: since, by the Palsgrave, the Landograve, the Dukes of Saxony, of Brunswicke, etc.

The remaining selections are taken from various sources or adapted from English or German. Many changes have been made in all the selections, except in the fables of Iriarte and the story by Fernán Caballero, in order to render the material suitable for beginners. VIII. EL M

The first part gives simple grammatical questions. The second contains idiomatic expressions to be committed to memory and to be used in the formation of sentences. The third part gives questions on the subject matter of the story which are to be answered in Spanish. And the fourth contains connected sentences to be translated from English into Spanish.

En su consecuencia, Urdaneta pasó á organizar en Margarita una division que debia componerse de los dos cuerpos de ingleses que alli habia con English y Uzlar, y ponerse al frente de ellos despues de haber organizado otro de gentes del pais.

The introduction of the secondary plot, affording the excuse for the prominent place given to the gracioso, is a device which Lope, like his great English contemporary, often uses as in this case with good effect.

Collier, History of English dramatic Poetry, volumen II, pág. 408.

V. también la descripción de estas fiestas en Grester, Bauldry y Arnaud. Warton, Hist. of English poetry, III, 153 y siguientes. Beauchamps, Hist. du théatre français, vol. I. Bouterweck, V. 95 y siguientes.