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Ticknor says that no meter of which the language was susceptible escaped him. And in his dramatic composition we find as much variety in this respect as in any other. In el Arte nuevo de hacer Comedias, he says: "The versification should be carefully accommodated to the subject treated.

His best stories are probably El sombrero de tres picos, El capitán Veneno, and some of his Novelas cortas. Of the lesser writers of stories of manners and customs, Antonio de Trueba and Narciso Campillo should receive especial mention. A journalist, poet, and writer of short stories, Trueba is best known as an interpreter of Basque life.

The dramatic representations before this time were doubtless limited in a large measure to select audiences in castles and courts of noble residences; but Lope de Rueda had as his theater the public squares and market-places, and as his audience the great masses of the Spanish people, who now for the first time had a chance to dictate the trend which the national drama should take.

»Y should tire mjselfe to reckon the names of all French, Roman, German, Spanish, Italian and English poets, being in number infinite, and their labours extant to approve their worthinesse. »Actors were supported by the Mantuans, Venetians, Valencians, and others: since, by the Palsgrave, the Landograve, the Dukes of Saxony, of Brunswicke, etc.