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She pleases most in her picturesque descriptions of the life and manners of her fellow-Galicians. Pardo Bazán early founded a critical review, El Nuevo Teatro Crítico, and in this and in other periodicals she has published many valuable articles of literary criticism. She is now giving her time and thought chiefly to critical work. Her most popular novel is probably Pascual López.

In 1627 he published his Corona Trágica, a long religious epic written on the history of the life and fate of Mary, Queen of Scots.

The text has been taken completely, without any omissions or modifications, from the Hartzenbusch collection of Comedias Escogidas de Lope de Vega published in the Biblioteca de Autores Españoles and, where it varies from other texts with which it has been compared, the variation is noted.

He studied there in the State College, and came to Madrid in 1863, for the purpose of reading law. This profession held but little interest for him, and he did not follow it further. He was already dreaming of a literary career, and after a brief trial of journalism, his first novel, La Fontana de Oro , was published. In 1872 his next book, El Audaz, was completed.

Larra's most enduring works are his critical reviews and his essays on manners. This volume was published in 1847, but many of the articles had appeared much earlier in periodicals. The author was a kindly scoffer, and in this work he gave merry pictures of Madrid customs, written simply and accurately in language that was chosen but diffuse.