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Este mismo Dodsley conocía tan poco el teatro español, que en su Collection of old plays, la comedia copiada que se titula Elvira or the worst not always true y The Adventures of five hours, aparecen como originales ingleses, siendo sus modelos españoles, y de los más conocidos y populares, y estando además insertos en el Theâtre espagnol de Linguet .

It is true that several historical events which took place about that year are alluded to in the work in a way to indicate that they were fresh in the mind of the author, but they do not offer conclusive proof. It does not appear in the twenty-five Partes or collections of Lope's dramas, and it is doubtful if it was published in any regular edition during the poet's life.

Like Shakespeare, he brings upon the stage illiterate servants to mix their rude speech and often questionable jests with the grave and lofty or poetic utterances of their noble or royal masters. His characters, too, were not limited to any fixed line of conduct, as long as honor was upheld.

Or if they have read a few of the best Spanish novels in French or English versions, they may not have found them very interesting. This is explained, I take it, by the fact that Spanish literature is essentially national, and if you do not know the Spanish people you can not fully understand their literature. This is largely true of all literatures, but it is especially true of the Spanish.

Comedias heroicas, which have royalty as the leading characters, are lofty or tragical in sentiment, and have historical or mythological foundation. Comedias de santos, which represent some incident of biblical origin or some adventure in the lives of the saints.

It has not been considered necessary to supply notes, as the matter is simple and the vocabulary furnishes all necessary information. All verb forms occurring in the text, whether regular or irregular, are given in the vocabulary.

Spain has done excellent work in prose fiction during the last fifty or sixty years past, but this work is little known outside of the Spanish-speaking countries. Even those people who are, for the most part, well read in the literatures of Europe are generally ignorant of recent Spanish fiction.

Well may we say that he had no declining years, for he never knew rest or realized a decline of his mental faculties.

Este Monarca conocía el teatro español y lo apreciaba, y, por indicación particular suya, el poeta cómico Crown arregló para la escena inglesa la comedia de Moreto No puede ser..., con el título de Sir Courtly Nice or It cannot be.

XV in Assemanni Biblioth. Or., tomo III, P. I, pág. 24. Collier, History of english dramatic poetry and Annals of the stage, vol. I. Voltaire, Essai sur les mœurs et l'esprit des nations. August., Serm. 311 in Natal. div. Cypriani. Binterim, Denkwürdigkeiten der katholischen Kirche, P. IV, tomo I, pág. 555. Quint., De oratoribus, C., 9, 11. Plim., Epist.