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These Spanish Short Stories are, for the most part, realistic pictures of the manners and customs of modern Spain, written by masters of Spanish prose. All were written in the second half of the nineteenth century or in the first decade of the twentieth, except the story by Larra, which was written about seventy-five years ago.

The remaining selections are taken from various sources or adapted from English or German. Many changes have been made in all the selections, except in the fables of Iriarte and the story by Fernán Caballero, in order to render the material suitable for beginners. VIII. EL M

Y pienso q. su Ex.^a no atribuirá a otra causa el no auer acudido con mis lágrimas. A V. m. le terné vn libro para quando en buen hora venga por acá, en demostracion de mi amor, y por lo q. veo q. ama la lengua española. Serui.^or de V. m. Ant. Perez. Estas dos cartas XVI y XVII aluden á la muerte de la mujer del Condestable Montmorency, que ocurrió repentinamente el año 1598.

The "Watermaid" belongs to the largest class of Lope's plays the class in which he excelled comedias de capa y espada. Ticknor erroneously classes it as a comedy "founded on common life" or as styled by others comedia de costumbres, but it is probable he did so without making himself thoroughly familiar with the comedy in its full form.

Look, love, what envious streaks Do lace the severing clouds in yonder east; Night's candles are burnt out, and jocund day Stands tiptoe on the misty mountain's tops; I must be gone and live, or stay and die. Téngase en cuenta que ni Massucio, ni Da Porta, ni Brooke, hablan en esta ocasión del ruiseñor como Groto y Shakespeare.

A realistic literature, therefore, that describes accurately the doings and the environment of Spanish villagers must be regional: it can not be broadly national. Pereda was, perhaps, the most provincial, the least cosmopolitan, of modern Spanish writers. An old-fashioned hidalgo, or country gentleman, he rarely left his ancestral home at Polanco, and if he did go away, he was always sorry for it.

Señor en este lugar estava asentado quando le dió el mal á los treynta y uno de Agosto á las quatro de la tarde. Fallesció á los Veinte y uno de Septiembre á las dos y media de la mañana. Año del S.or de 1558

»Conbidóse así mesmo á todos los prelados de todas las religiones asta al Prior del Conuento de la Real, por ser muerto su Abat y al Prior de la Cartuxa, que dista desta Ciudad más de dos leguas. »Y dando la buelta el dicho Fiscal con asistencia de dichos Ministros para las Casas desta Inq.n y dado quenta al Sr. Inq.or el Sr.

De la qual adquisicion consta por auto ante Miguel Bibiloni notts a 11 Março 1668 que tenemos en pliego de los autos de rayses n.º 1. Mas fueron halladas otras cassas confiscadas a dicho Valls situadas en la Villa de Campos tenidas en alodio del S.or Rey en la porcion del B. P. N. S. arc.no œluismo. Y asta agora se hazen dchos censos alos referidos 31 de Junio. Censos Sobre Par.res

In theory she has been a disciple of French naturalism, and some of her novels, particularly Los Pazos de Ulloa and La madre Naturaleza, have somewhat of the repulsive realism of Zola's work. At times she expresses a cold cynicism or a mocking flippancy which detracts from the usual charm of her writings.