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Updated: August 18, 2024

I don't guess Zip's wise to where it is." Bill's eyes lit with a curious fire. "Guess Zip'll find him," he said quietly. "Maybe it'll take him time " "An'," cried Sunny, "how's them pore kiddies to live meanwhiles?" The loafer fired his little bomb with the desired effect. The men had no answer for some moments.

"You ain't done too bad," he said judicially. "That m'lasses racket was a heap smart. Though say, you'll get around ther' come sun-up to-morrer, an' you'll fix 'em right all day. Maybe Zip'll be back later. Anyways, you'll fix 'em." "Not on your life " began Sunny, in fierce rebellion. But Bill cut him short. "You'll do it, Sunny," he cried, "an' don't you make no mistake."

"Don't guess Zip's claim amounts to pea-shucks neither," the storekeeper went on, his mind leaning towards the financial side of the matter. "No." "Them kids'll cost money, too." Bill nodded, but no one could have detected any interest in his movement. "How'd it be to get that claim worked for him while he's away?" Bill shrugged. "Mebbe Zip'll be gettin' back," he said. "An' if he don't."

An' it's good to see him playin' hard, win or lose. But Zip'll git back, sure. An' he'll bring my mare with him. Go to sleep, Sunny; your thinkin'-pan's nigh hatched out." "I don't guess he'll ever get alongside James," observed Minky thoughtfully. "We've all looked for him a piece. We know he's got a shanty back in the foothills, but I don't seem to remember hearin' of anybody findin' it.

Sunny, you best pile up them washin' fixin's that hand-scrubber, the soap, that wash-flannel an' the towels. Guess that's the nighest you'll ever come to bathin' yourself. Sandy Joyce ken carry the hot water, an', if Zip's yaller pup gets around, see you don't scald him any. Guess I'll handle these yer dippers. That way Zip'll be free to take the kids along.

But Jamie was silently staring up at the man's distorted features. He didn't understand. Wild Bill recovered from his coughing, suddenly bestirred himself. "Guess we'd best git goin', Sunny," he said quietly. "Zip'll likely need to fix things up some. Y'see, Zip," he went on, turning to the father, "Sunny's done his best to kep things goin' right.

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