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Updated: August 19, 2024

Art thou the embodiment of the science of weapons, or art thou Rama that best of Brahmanas, or Indra himself, or Indra's younger brother Vishnu called also Achyuta, who for disguising himself hath assumed the form of a Brahmana and mustering such energy of arms fighteth with me? I am only a Brahmana who is the foremost of all warriors and all wielders of weapons.

And he felled elephants and car-warriors also with his sharp shafts. And he made that large body of cars resemble a forest of palmyras shorn of their leafy heads. And that mighty armed warrior, that foremost of all wielders of weapons, O king, deprived cars and elephants and steeds of their riders in that conflict.

O brave subjugator of hostile towns, go thyself to that spot where Dhananjaya the son of Pritha is." "'Duryodhana said, "O preceptor, how is it possible for me to resist Dhananjaya who has transgressed even thee that art the foremost of all wielders of arms?

Those two foremost of Beings, adored by all the gods, beholding Yudhishthira, received him with proper honours. "'In another place, the delighter of the Kurus beheld Karna, that foremost one among all wielders of weapons, resembling a dozen Suryas in splendour. In another part he beheld Bhimasena of great puissance, sitting in the midst of the Maruts, and endued with a blazing form.

When the army had arrived within the limits of Mázinderán, Kai-káús ordered Gíw to select two thousand of the bravest men, the boldest wielders of the battle-axe, and proceed rapidly towards the city. In his progress, according to the king's instructions, he burnt and destroyed everything of value, mercilessly slaying man, woman, and child.

Thus addressed, O monarch, by the high-souled Phalguna, Krishna commanded Daruka, saying, "Do all that Arjuna, that chief of Bharata's race and that foremost of all wielders of the bow, hath said." Thus ordered by Krishna, Daruka, O best of kings, yoked those steeds unto that car covered with tiger-skins and ever capable of scorching all foes.

In some counties the javelin-men remote descendants of the mail-clad knights and stalwart men-at-arms who formerly mustered at the summons of sheriffs still do duty with long wands and fresh rosettes; but they are fast giving way to the wielders of short staves.

And that warrior whose flag beareth the device of an elegant water-pot worked in gold, is the preceptor Drona that foremost of all wielders of weapons. He is always an object of regard with me, as also with all bearers of arms. Do thou, therefore, circumambulate that great hero cheerfully. Let us bend our heads there, for that is the eternal virtue.

I also know that you five brothers are learned and high-souled, that ye are foremost of all wielders of weapons, that ye are brave and virtuous and observant of vows. Knowing that your understanding and hearts are excellent and your behaviour faultless, I have yet censured you.

The poem first appeared in Sunset Magazine, the Pacific Monthly, and with the kind consent of the editor I give the last stanza. "Where are they now, O tower! The locusts and wild honey? Where is the sacred dower That the Bride of Christ was given? Gone to the wielders of power, The misers and minters of money; Gone for the greed that is their creed And these in the land have thriven.

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