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"It maitters little compairateevely what a man lives upo'," said Cupples sententiously, "sae it be first-rate o' 'ts ain kin'. And this is first-rate." "Tak' a drappy mair, sir." "Na, nae mair, I thank ye." "They'll be left, gin ye dinna." "Weel, sen' them ower to Mr Bruce," said Cupples, with a sly wink. "I s' warran' he'll coup them ower afore they sud be wastit. He canna bide waste."

'An' whan wad I be able to pay ye, do ye think, doctor? In anither warl' maybe, whaur the currency micht be sae different there wad be no possibility o' reckonin' the rate o' exchange. Na, na. 'But I will give you the money if you like. 'Na, na. You hae dune eneuch already, an' mony thanks. Siller's no sae easy come by to be wastit, as lang's a darn 'll do.

For mysel' I dinna preten' to ony opingon; but sae lang as the needcessity was the same, I wad be laith to think Providence wadna be consistent wi' itsel'. Ye maun min' the tale, better nor I can tell't ye, concernin' yon meal-girnel muckle sic like, I daursay, as oor ain, though it be ca'd a barrel i' the Buik hit 'at never wastit, ye ken, an'the uily-pig an' a' ye'll min' weel though what ony wuman in her senses cud want wi' sic a sicht o' ile's mair nor I ever cud faddom!

I dinna like to hear ye speyk sae scornfulike o' the gude man that has the care o' oor sowls!" "It wad be mair to the purpose ye had the care o' his!" "Sae I hae: hasna ilkabody the care o' ilk ither's?" "Ay; but he preshumes upo' 't and ye dinna; there's the differ!" "It's sair wastit upo' him 'at caana see the thoucht intil't!"

"Is God's wark wastit upo' you and me excep' we see intil't, and un'erstan't, Maggie?" The girl was silent. Her father resumed.