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If one cares to depend on foliage for color, most pleasing results can be secured by making use of the plants of which mention has been made in the chapter on Carpet-Bedding. Vines that will give satisfaction are Glechoma, green, with yellow variegation Vinca Harrisonii, also green and yellow, Moneywort, German Ivy, Tradescantia, Thunbergia, and Othonna.

V. Tinus rotundifolium has rounded leaves; and V. Tinus rotundifolium variegatum has irregularly variegated leaves. VINCA MAJOR. Band-plant, Cut-finger, and Larger Periwinkle. For trailing over tree-stumps or rockwork this pretty evergreen shrub has a distinctive value, the bright green leaves and showy deep blue flowers rendering it both conspicuous and ornamental.

The yellow fails in many highly developed flowers, which are not liable to produce yellow variations, as in Salvia, Aster, Centaurea, Vinca, Polygala and many others. Even the rare pale yellowish species of some of these genera have no tendency in this direction.

The star of Bethlehem, fifteen feet high, was here seen full of lovely scarlet blossoms; the southern jasmine, yellow as gold, was in its glory; mignonette, grown to a graceful tree of twenty feet in height, was fragrant and full of blossoms, close beside the delicate vinca, decked in white and red.

Vinca la crudelt

LESSER PERIWINKLE. This is also a beautiful little evergreen, of which the gardeners have several varieties in cultivation; some with double flowers, others with white and red-coloured corols, which form a pleasing diversity in summer. VINCA major. GREAT PERIWINKLE.-I know of no plant of more beauty, when it is properly managed, than this.

It had been painted cream colour and had white and windows and green window boxes with variegated vinca vines trailing from them and pink geraniums, dark blue lobelia and ferns filling the earth stuffed in by the florist who provided such adornments. Passers-by frequently glanced at it and thought it a nice little house whose amusing diminutiveness was a sort of attraction.

The latter one is double, of a beautiful light blue colour, and flowers early; it is rather tender, and requires the protection of a hot-bed frame during winter. It is best cultivated in pots. VINCA minor.