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And yet Infinity, as we apprehend the term, lies beyond this vast cluster of constellated worlds! Where is Mr. Darwin's little whirligig in the comparison, or Mr. Emerson's vegetal stomach, or Mr. Herbert Spencer's "potential factors," to express the sum-total of all this totality, this gigantic assemblage of stars clustered about a single point in the Milky-way?

It is scented with orris-root. Rouge Vegetal. The box contains 81/2 grammes of raspberry colored powder, consisting chiefly of China clay and talc, tinted to the proper depth with extract of cochineal. Rouge Extra Fin Fonce. A small square bottle containing 11 grammes of a deep red solution, smelling of otto of roses and ammonia.

True architecture, perhaps, always springs out of vegetal nature, and each zone may have its own edifices as well as plants; in this way oriental architectures might be comprehended the vague idea of the slender palm and of its bouquet of leaves with the Arabs, and the vague idea of the colossal, prolific, dilated and bristling vegetation of India.

As agriculture must conform its methods to the phenomena of vegetal and animal life, it follows that the science of these phenomena is the rational basis of agriculture.

And we saw that alike in the vegetal cell and the animal cell there exist analogous distributions: of course with the difference that the innermost part is not inert. Now we have to note that in those aggregates of cells constituting the Metaphyta and Metazoa, analogous distributions also exist.

This also applies originally to the primary muscles of the limbs, as these too belong phylogenetically to the hyposoma. The chief of the vegetal organs of the human frame, to the evolution of which we now turn our attention, is the alimentary canal.

The third definite objection made by Mr. Martineau is of kindred nature. The Hypothesis of Evolution is, he thinks, met by the insurmountable difficulty that plant life and animal life are absolutely distinct. This is an extremely unfortunate objection to raise. For, though there are no transitions from vegetal to animal life at the places Mr.

As Hatschek afterwards found , the segmentation-cells only remain equal up to the morula-stage, the spherical body of which consists of thirty-two cells. Then, as always happens in unequal segmentation, the more sluggish vegetal cells are outstripped in the cleavage.

Suppose, then, that some seven hundred thousand years ago, more or less, when the North Pole had fully donned the earth's ice-cap, with all the isothermal and isochimenal changes thereby effected, what must have been the line of march taken by our northern vegetal and animal forms to escape the cataclysm of ice and snow then impending?

So again, the Infusoria possess all the characters of animality, but it can hardly be said that they are as clearly allied to the worms as they are to the Noctilucae. On the whole, it appears to me to be most convenient to adhere to the old plan of calling such of these low forms as are more animal in habit, Protozoa, and such as are more vegetal, Protophyta.