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Yet anozer outrage!” cried the Baron. “Zese anarchists, zey are too scandalous. At all ze stations zere are detectives, and all ze ships are being vatched. Ach, it is terrible!” Mr Bunker seemed struck with an idea, for he stared at the ceiling without making any reply, and his eyes, had the Baron seen them, twinkled curiously. At last the Baron laid down his paper.

"It appears that gentlemen can't converse without being vatched," continued Mr Easthupp, pulling up his shirt-collar.

Of course, ve suspected he done it, but how he done it vas as much a puzzle as the Spinks. Next day, arter ve got him into his box, ve vatched and listened. Ve heard a queer kind of sound, like a man trying to play the jewsharp vith his boots; and, sir, ve detected the cracker-fiend a climbin' over the partitions into the neighborin' boxes, and a collarin' all the crackers he could come acrost.

Ike, you and I might make turkey money for Thanksgiving if we only knew whether Barry and his bunch were going to shoot her up thirty or forty points before they turned the bag upside down, or whether they will bury them from 200 to 150. What do you think?" "I gant make out, aldo I haf vatched dem sharp all day. Dey certainly haf deh lambs lined up right now for any vey dey vont to twist id.

Will you give me lessons?" "Yes, morning, noon, and night, vithout von shent of pay." "That will not do. I'll not take one on those terms." "I vill do vatever you want me to," said the man, simply, "I vish I could be led and vatched over as a little child." Dennis saw his pathetic self-distrust, and it touched him deeply.

"It appears that gentlemen can't converse without being vatched," continued Mr Easthupp, pulling up his shirt collar.