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Updated: August 26, 2024

What do you intend to do when the strike is over?" "I hadn't thought." Janet started at the question, but Mrs. Maturin did not seem to notice the dismay in her tone. "You don't intend to to travel around with the I. W. W. people, do you?" "I I hadn't thought," Janet faltered. It was the first time Mrs. Maturin had spoken of her connection with Syndicalism.

Among the leaders of Syndicalist thought on the Continent may be mentioned the names of three prominent Frenchmen, Berth, Lagardelle, and Sorel, together with that of the young Italian professor Labriola, who is leading the increasingly active party in his own country. In France, Italy, and America alike, Syndicalism stands for the class- war. Its central feature is the idea of a General Strike.

Aviation and the automobile and wireless and moving pictures and electric locomotives and electric cooking and the use of radium and the X-ray and the linotype and the submarine and the labor movement the I. W. W. and syndicalism and all that not that I know anything about the labor movement, but I suppose it's the most important of all. And Metchnikoff and Ehrlich.

SYNDICALISM arose in France as a revolt against political Socialism, and in order to understand it we must trace in brief outline the positions attained by Socialist parties in the various countries.

To facilitate the change Fascism has created its own syndicalism. The suppression of class self-defense does not mean the suppression of class defense which is an inalienable necessity of modern economic life. Class organization is a fact which cannot be ignored but it must be controlled, disciplined, and subordinated by the state.

The socialist demand for a better distribution of wealth is of great consequence, but without a change in the very nature of labor society will not have achieved the happiness it expects. That is why imaginative socialists have shown so great an interest in "syndicalism." There at least in some of its forms, we can catch sight of a desire to make all labor a self-governing craft.

He turns, then, to the minority, the fighting inner circle, as the sole hope. It is inevitable, therefore, that syndicalism and socialism should stand at opposite poles. They are exactly as far apart as anarchism and socialism. And, if we turn to the question of methods, we find an antagonism almost equally great. How are the workers to obtain possession of industry?

Therefore I should like this assembly to accept the claims put in by national syndicalism from an economic standpoint...." Is it not strange that the word corporations should have been uttered at the first meeting of Piazza San Sepolcro, when one considers that, in the course of the Revolution, it came to express one of the social and legislative creations at the very foundations of the regime?

The method they adopted was one that did credit to their foresight and determination. The Australian Federation is, and has always been, highly socialistic in its policy, and latterly its leaders have adopted and preached syndicalism, as promising to give the workers the control of society.

What do you intend to do when the strike is over?" "I hadn't thought." Janet started at the question, but Mrs. Maturin did not seem to notice the dismay in her tone. "You don't intend to to travel around with the I. W. W. people, do you?" "I I hadn't thought," Janet faltered. It was the first time Mrs. Maturin had spoken of her connection with Syndicalism.

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