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He early exhibited, however, a taste for mechanical contrivances, and spent much time in devising windmills, water-clocks, sun-dials, and kites.

"And you have been to all the high places, I suppose?" "I've been to the top of the Masonic Temple." "And to the places were they have the sun-dials, and the gates ajar, and the American flag made of of Heaven knows what?" "The parks? Yes, we have been to one or two of them, but we were a little late for all those lovely things; most of them had been dug up." "Lovely things!" groaned Truesdale.

Then, seating her at the piano with a great flourish, he waved his hand to Oliver, who had drawn up a chair beside his mother, and with a laugh, cried: "Here, you young love; come and turn the leaves for Miss Lavinia. It may keep you from running over other people in the dark, even if they are accused of hiding behind sun-dials." With the beginning of the overture Mrs.

With the insight of a lover added to the instinct of the Indian, Alessandro saw how, hour by hour, there grew in Ramona's eyes the wonted look of one at home; how she watched the shadows, and knew what they meant. "If we lived here, the walls would be sun-dials for us, would they not?" she said, in a tone of pleasure. "I see that yon tall yucca has gone in shadow sooner than it did yesterday."

'Well, "TOVES" are something like badgers they're something like lizards and they're something like corkscrews. 'They must be very curious looking creatures. 'They are that, said Humpty Dumpty: 'also they make their nests under sun-dials also they live on cheese. 'And what's the "GYRE" and to "GIMBLE"? 'To "GYRE" is to go round and round like a gyroscope.